Possible spy technique

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Starz89, Aug 11, 2010.

  1. Just a thought but perhaps there can b a new spy ability that allows u to c someones Allie bonuses. But of course to do this ud hav to make certain requirements for your action to to b sucsesful. Mayb only one spy use per day an it takes a full regen to use it. If u have any more ideas or questions feel free to post.
  2. Spies infect the other castle with std's, it's an insta-pin but u lose all ur troops and can only do this 1x per day
  3. If so incorporate it into the scout.
    I was thinking of something like building health and you could raze buildings (each time does 1 damage) so the player must repair with gold and pure spies cant coward behind too weak (ahem nal)