Yes, I know. I have made another thread about plunder wars. (I think it is my sixth now.) With the event of eb's, plunder wars are dead....or so we thought! I'm a philosopher, not an astrologist, but I have a sneaking suspicion some clans might revert back to to the Pwar. Why? The advent of the T5builds and T3 spy builds. The devs have created these new super-expensive builds but has not given us an EB better than the haunting to make cash with. Before EBs I used to OSf a lot but it made little sense later when it became obivious that the Haunting paid better. Not anymore. My own OSF is still only about 7mil combined, but my main hitter had the pleasure to unload on one these new 12 mil combined OSF and was pulling down 65 million first hit and 48 million last hit. With those kinds of returns the haunting is looking less and less attractive. My guess is that the super clans (Zaft, IG, Osiris) will set up a clan osf and shy away from Hauntings soon, unless a new money maker Eb is introduced. This, however, is just my incredibly uneducated guess. Any opinions? Troll away.
Yes. Yes. We know they got rid of them. However have you hit on a 12 mil combined T3HCBC OSF yet? Pay is really good.
With the osf not making anything now days it would be smarter to run a haunting and let the osf do the item stages for huge pay outs then after the eb open for the clan. In clans with small stat players, I guess the pw option would be the only way they could hit though
@homedawg. No I didn't. Including the ending bonus, I think the new OSFs will still pay better. Over 60 million a hit, for pete's sake! YOu would need one heck of a finishing bonus to make up that gap.
And plus who wants pwars back? Pwars sucked really really bad. Clans pretty much didnt exist, people were clan hopping like crazy, unloading was a pain, the list goes on n on.
How would pwars return when war tax is extremely high per hit? And don't forget the fact that the winning side no longer recieves said tax at the end. Hitting an osf outside of war, yes I think that could make a bit of a comeback. My clan does it. But hitting them in a pwar would be useless.
I make 2.5 billion an unload. Ive calculated 60 successful attacks on that size osf would give me 3.36 billiom gold. Youre right, it would pay more.
I hit a spy build for 74mil yesterday. After tax that's around 45mil. That's a little less than I make in a haunting with bonus and few to no items. Also with haunting that is my average. With the osf that would only be first hit and it would drop quite a bit on an unload. 40% tax sucks
Precisely, which is what many clans are doing in the current climate and before T5 was released. Ever since the end of the PWar's, clans have been funneling gold into an OSF, or several, and every so often they would open for a significant period of time. Sort of like cashing an investment. Although with regards to the OP, I think bigger clans doing a more systematic approach of attacks on the OSF, and directing spies towards the haunt, including pot line bonuses, would be the most profitable option of all.
Okay let's get a bit mathematical here. My HCt4C hitter with half the lands at T5 just completed a 40 min haunting where I got 1.5billion total including bonus with 63 total actions (hit/assasin) . If I could hit an OSF that gave me an average of 60 mil a hit, the OSF would pay more (although not a lot more) and I could still use my spies on the EB)
Ebs give an easy option to just make some money if youre busy or something. Its really just a hassle free pwar.
@ phil, you can't assas the osf so you can't say 60 actions. Only count what can make income per hour which is hits only. Either a two hit repeat for 24 hits or 26 on an unload for the osf