Possible Mith Exploit?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by llIIV-----VAL-3N7iN3-----VlIlI, Dec 28, 2012.

  1. Disclaimer, I have not tested this out yet, this is just a theory.

    So you know how the devs say in estocs wars that the more mith you put in, the more you will get out? This has caused some players to cast as many spells as possible, including the hide allies one and the one that makes you're opponent lose more plunder, even though they usually are pretty useless in this was system.

    So I was thinking about how to maximize mith input so that I could maximize my mith output, and I came across an idea; you know how you can recast mith spells before the timer runs out? What if you say cast the 12 hour attack mith spell for 6 mith, and then continue to recast it 20 times. Assuming you win, would this count as 120 mith put into the war, resulting in crazy mith output? Or would you get screwed over, and would that only count as putting 6 mith in?

    I'm worried to waste the mith, so I haven't tested it. But if someone is rich in mith and gets an easy matchup, please test it out! 

    Open discussion on if you think this would be effective or not.
  2. I totally cast every spell possible this last war so that I could maximize my esrnings . As for casting the same spell twice (or a dozen times for that matter) I am not certain. I know you can choose to cast a spell again before time runs out, but I have no idea if the base code that the devs use to determine the mithril layout would recognize the redundant spell casting or if it could be exploited. It would have to be experimented with
  3. If you recast during war it doesnt count toward your end payout.
  4. Devs explained that you can do this..
    They said that your method is similar to a bet...
    Since your plan only works IF your clan wins the war
    Ps, this idea was revealed as soon as devs said they would return mith
  5. Thanks for the input moose. I might test it.

    @sir, I'm talking about recasting it tons of times before the war, during the period in which the mith you cast counts towards the war.
  6. I saw a guy that got 236 mith ! 13/0 KOs
    130 hits 3 billion plunder
    Crazy mith right there
  7. They fixed this. You can't recast in war and count towards end. Most payout I had was 108 doing this. But I didn't want to continually recast.

    Good thought, it can still be done before the war actually starts :p
  8. Just a quick question: Do MITHRIL equipment bought during the 'mith redemption period' count toward the MITHRIL reward?
    What about upgrading?
    Would appreciate an answer 
  9. Probably not Dark. Try it out for yourself. :)
  10. @jacob so it still works if you recast it a ton before the war?

    @ace no I don't think so. Someone in my clan tried this (I think) and said it didn't work.
  11. Ok thanks...I'll be sure to check it out next war when my main buys the ring
    Appreciate the answers 
  12. Any spell cast after you get the message, and before the war starts will count towards your mithril payout.

    But be careful when doing this. If you lose, that's a lot of mithril wasted.
  13. Exactly. Only something anyone should consider doing if they are confident that their clan got a good matchup and that they will win
  14. Given that the alleged 'double' mith payout is dubious based on today's effort, there's probably not a lot of point testing the theory.
  15. Or giskard, the exact reason to test it is for double the great payout. Who knows, if someone did this right, they could have 100s of mithril pouring in this weekend.
  16. Jacob, I'm just suggesting we didn't get double payout today.
  17. Looking at your clans war history, it looks like they were doubled. :|
  18. Btw sorry, didn't really read the whole post(I usually do :( ) I just read the last part.