Positive or Negative Feeling~ Feedback/Discussion thread

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Littlejapgirl (01), Nov 20, 2011.

  1. Hiya~ I just wrote a new story called 'Positive or Negativd Feeling' and I'd be very happy if everyone could read it. I would also like feedback
  2. It's awesome! I love it!
  3. I made a lot of typos though
  4. Still good. Just gotta work on that.
  5. It's really good and unique. Awesome :)
    And the typos didn't bother me ;)
  6. It's good and as long as you don't bring out werewolves and turn it into some sort of twilight fanfic, I like it

    -Han x
  7. is it like twilight? Oh shoot. Sorry. I denfinitly WONT bring out the werewolves.
  8. Nah it's not it's just where some vampires go

    - Han x