Hello forum, and in particular, hello America from the great white north! I need your help understanding something. Maybe you just need to be American to get it, in which case, I'm hosed, but, maybe you can shed some light on this for me. Today I want to discuss the Trump phenomena. Here are some things I want to know. Evangelicals: do you not know that trump has had multiple wives? He is also terrible with scripture. Nobody refers to second Corinthians as "two Corinthians". But seriously, to the hard core Christian voter, doesn't the fact he has had so many divorces fire off a red flag? Fiscal conservatives: doesn't it bother you that Trump has bankrupted at least 6 businesses that I can think of? (Including a freaking casino). Do you REALLY think he will be a hawk on spending? Why do you think Trump will reduce the national debt when he can't keep his own businesses solvent? Women: Does it bother you when you see how rudely trump has treated the female presidential candidates on both sides of the isle? Social conservatives: How do you feel about the fact that trump supported partial birth abortions up until 2015, and then, right before his run changed to staunchly pro life? Do you think that's a real change of heart? Is he being honest with you? All republicans: trump said pelosi and reed are personal friends of his and are good people who he looks forward to working with. Don't you people hate pelosi and reed? Did they work with YOU over the last 7 years? To the anti establishment crowd: trump said he'd go to Washington and "cut deals". Trump is a fat cat billionaire with wealth political friends. Do you really think he is all "anti Washington"? All of America: Sara Palin came out and endorsed trump last week. The best headline I saw on this was "walking joke supports running joke". Trump said he'd probably give Palin a cabinet position. Am I the only one that's frightened by this? I can go on and on, but, it's too easy. The bottom line is this... Trump seems to be everything that the republicans oppose, yet he is leading in the polls at the moment. How does that happen? In my personal opinion, I didn't think America could do worse than Obama. I had no idea that the Republican Party would take my thought and say "Challenge accepted!" I think this man is pulling the most colossal con of all times. How can people not see this? I've listed just a few things about trump that should turn off most voters, yet it seems like they are willing to go take a flyer on this guy anyway. Why would you do that? Please explain the trump phenomena to me. Oh, and one more thing. Iowa votes tomorrow. Who will win? And why? I've given you s few angles to work from on this thread, and everything is fair game. Talk to the moose!
None of that matters to me. I'll vote for him bc he is hilarious and he puts on a funny show. His comment about being able to shoot someone and not lose any votes had me rolling laughing.
His view in my opinion doesn't make me wanna vote for him. Yes, he's outspoken and not afraid to speak his mind, it sometimes makes me fear how he would be as a President. :evil:
The shooting someone and not losing voters was in reference to an article written the previous week. Moose you reference Trump bankrupting multiple businesses, and this may be true, but the incumbent politicians have basically bankrupted an entire country. So , ok, he had 6 failed businesses , I'll give you that one, but, what about all of the successful ones that provide jobs for many people. Now while Trump is extreme on many issues, at this point in time, I'm behind him on the economic issues. Hell he can't do worse than the current system. If nothing else, I think if elected, he can straighten out our national debt. Cruz and Rubio have their own merits and faults, but this isn't their time.
ive honestly been wondering this myself. I don't know a single trunp supporter nor do i ever see anything but hate for him online, so i dont get how he's in the lead? maybe his voters are too embarrassed to speak up about it. or they see a name they recognize and vote for that person without a second thought.
Trump is a monster the republicans created. This is the direction the Republican party has been headed since the Southern Strategy with Nixon, continued by Reagan, and escalated by Bush, Rove, Murdoch, and Ailes, as well as the whole host of right wing radio shock jocks like Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, o'Reilly, and others. The plan was to appeal to, and stoke up the hatred and fears against minorities and other groups, as means of energizing the base to vote. People were taught it was okay, and even patriotic to be racist or bigoted - as long as they couched your bigotry in code words; they were taught to distrust and hate the government, while supporting politicians who also said they hated government; they were taught to think of Democrats, not as an opposing party with different ideas for America, but as traitors who hate America; they were taught that not being able to force Christianity on everyone all the time was an attack on their beliefs; they were taught to distrust intellectuals, facts, and reason, and instead to trust slogans and simpleminded statements, even when they were demonstrably false; they were taught that complexity in issues and language is deception, and that offensiveness, no matter whether true or not, was honesty; they were taught that to avoid an argument they could lose on its own, they should deflect to different arguments and supplement those with personal attacks; they were taught that words can be a negative influence when spoken by a Democrat, but never cause harm when a Republican incites violence against a group of people; they were taught that some parts of the Constitution are constitutional written by the forefathers in perfection and blood, but other parts and ideas are wrong and should be ignored; they were taught to equate machoism with strength, and building consensus and reaching out to others as weakness; they were taught that working together and compromise in politics is treason; and they were taught not to believe anything they heard on any news channel that didn't reinforce what they already believed, sane or not (and they were taught this by media and alleged news channels). Now we have Trump, the true embodiment of all these things Republicans have been trained over the years. Now Trump says things like Muslims were dancing in the streets on 9/11, and his supporters ignore that there is no evidence of this. He says Mexicans are rapists and murderers, and his supporters believe him. He puts forth insane policies with no reasonable expectation of legality or success, and his supporters cheer louder. Republicans realize his lies, bigotry, and ineptitude at government has crossed the line, even for them, and they try to call him out on it, but they can't, because his supporters have been too well trained . . . by them. Usually, when there is an outlier like this, they are able to restrain it and use it to simply fuel the narrative they created. But because Trump has his own money, and a true ability at showmanship, they can't stop him. The Republican party created the monster called Trump, and they can't stop him. But truthfully, they should have realized this would happen, as it is the culmination of what and how they have trained their voters.
You want to give him a pass on the bankruptcy. That's fine. Let's look mast that for the moment. Does it bother you that he has been stumping in Iowa, Saudi go he supports the ethanol mandate? (Corporate welfare for farmers) Ethanol does nothing for the environment, and is bad for cars, and it's funded by tax payer dollars. It's an expensive pander to a special interest group, and it's fiscally poor policy. What are your thoughts on that? (Not attacking you. Just curious)
KingCalm: that's a very interesting narrative. I really can't pick that one apart. I will say that the left is guilty of hate tactics too, however, so neither side can tout the banner of morality. Still, I asked you about the trump phenomena and you gave a very good answer, so I won't challenge you, as you answered the question directly. (and we aren't discussing democrats on this thread today) As for the big talkers like rush and hannity, i used to pod cast them, but, bit that the curtain has been drawn back, and they seem to support trump, I can no longer consider them credible
Taking a break during Sunday bible study and i seen this. So here goes: "Evangelical" is a term the media uses to just label anyone who believes in Jesus. Which includes almost every drunk outside a bar. Even the word "Christians" in today's culture defines a group of people who claim nearly 60-70% of the american population. However, true believers know that the numbers, even in the churches, are much less, and probably around 30% of American church congregations. The media knows nothing about Christians or our values, or our voting record. They see a label and run to sell a 3 minute piece to their news paper, which is paid for by gambling, booze, and crime stories. They know nothing about Christian charity, or our works overseas to advance the gospel, because they are more worried about a teen sellebrity's (celebrity plus emphasis on selling products) hair style or side boob. So when the media starts asking how many bibles we've distributed, how many hungry families we've fed, how many orphans we've adopted, or how many widows the collective church has sheltered, maybe they'll report on it with some factual truth. Until then, they'll never know our position on Trump or presidential politics, because they don't know or talk to us.
You Forgot he doesn't know what trident is. A president that doesn't understand the primary weapon for self defence, surely that's not good on a political global scene as far as foreign affairs go. Thankfully he isn't my problem. Just hoping he doesn't become one when he accidentally starts a war with those damned English communist scum.
So the topic is "why does America like trump?" Simple. He hosted a hit television show. I'm willing to bet that if Oprah decided to run for president she would be the first "black" female president in history with little opposition. Everyone likes Oprah. Trump is hardly different. He's just the white, male, cruder version of Oprah. Heck, if Alex Trebeck wasn't senile people would vote for him too if he ran. We like people who we think we know. We think we know Trump from his shows, and he was a crazy coot in those, so we dismiss some of the stuff he says because we think that's just part of his lovable persona. Also I'm Canadian so nothing g I say matters.
Mister universe is a prime example of people with the most upper hand in this country playing victim. Evangelical is a term used to describe extremist Christians. But we can't call them that because they are Christians. Ever heard the term evangelical Muslims or any euphemism like that? Nope, they're terrorists or called what they actually are: extremists/fundamentalists. There is an extremist group in the UK which takes to the street to preach Sharia Law. The first people to stand up against them are always other Muslims. "They aren't real Muslims". No one believes them. Muslims are all bad terrorists. Christian hate groups preach racial cleansing in America etc? Christians: "they aren't real Christians". World: "ok no problem". Stop pretending Christians in America are in any way oppressed or not listened to. It makes you look like you either don't pay any attention to what goes on, or you live in fairy tale world. Don't pretend you are oppressed. Because you have NEVER tasted oppression in America as a Christian.
I stated that trump has the evangelical vote, because Cruize was banking on them in Iowa, and that voting block ( which self identifies for the pollsters) is voting for trump in large numbers. In this specific instance, the media isn't identifying evangelicals. The evangelicals are identifying them selves when the speak to the pollsters