Police Support

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Hannity, Jul 26, 2015.

  1. One thing that I have seen a lot of lately in the media is the crisis in the police force,
    You people who want to insult our police officers, your the problem. I don't know what gives you the right to sit there and criticize our officers. I understand that there are a few bad cops I get it. But, there are crooked politicians, soldiers, there's crooked anything out there in public service. BUT IT DOESNT DEFINE THEM AS A WHOLE.

    Many of you people preach not to stereotype different religions, culture and people, but suddenly you think it's okay to stereotype the police force?

    So here is a challenge to all the people who want to sit there and criticize the police force. STEP UP AND GO TO THE ACADEMY AND BECOME ONE! AND MAKE A DIFFERENCE IM THE COMMUNUTY AND REPRESENT THE POLICE FORCE IN A BETTER MANNER!

    You think they are all corrupt, but who are you going to call when your In harms way? I gurentee it's the police.

    Your not out there everyday dealing with the scum of the country, not knowing if your going to make it home at the end of the night or not.

    All of this needs to stop. Teaching our youth not to trust the police? Your what's wrong with America. I support our police 100%

    Our Firefighters, EMTs, and police don't nearly get enough credit for what they do.

    To all of the police officers out there I got your six, and support you all the way. God Bless all of you for what you do, it is a hard time to be a police officer these days. Everybody is looking down there nose at you guys. It's really hard to be a cop these days..

    God Bless our men and women in blue.
  2. What about the chubby mall cops like Paul Blart? He wears white not blue.
  3. What about our men and women in red?

  4. I would join, but I can barely order a quesadilla at Taco Bell. How in the world can I stop a robbery?
  5. OP needs a cookie.

    People always want a scapegoat. The cops are quickly becoming a scapegoat.
    Oh, a thug walked up with a rusty kitchen knife and tried to slash an officer's throat, then got shot? Racism, bigotry, dirty cops!
  6. He is referring to American cops.
  7. The police force need to receive more credit for solving art crimes, in my opinion.
  8. And because they're not American they don't deserve credit? You racist **** :lol:
  9. Get a life dear.
  10. You can criticize anything. If we didn't have criticism, books would suck.

    Would you make this same thread for the POTUS?
  11. I also like how the incident with Eric Garner was nationally broadcasted and riots were held, yet the white homeless man that New York cops beat to death and stun gunned eight times in the face is almost unknown, and the cops received pardon.
  12. I have now determined Zeth is a white 20 year old male
  13. Yes. The big whigs running the news channels know what they're doing.
  14. And another white man killed in Utah around the time of the Michael Brown stuff too. Very little media exposure.
    Black girl in McKinney Texas near where I live was thrown down after resisting police. Massive Media Exposure.
    Also, I'm sorry, I guess I said that all Black People aren't angelic beings, just like all people in general aren't angelic beings.
  15. But by all means Terra, call me a racist. It seems to me that you're the one that has a problem with white people.
  16. Do you have a source for the story about a homeless man being beat to death and stunned in the face "8 times" by the NYPD?
  17. Pardon me it was Five times, sorry.

    Search Kelly Thomas killed.
  18. Not gunna lie, if I were a cop, I'd break the law even more than I already do. It would be like real life super troopers.

  19. Great thread Op. Police departments like any profession have crappy employees that make stupid decisions. In my experience though the people that play the "most cops are racist/trigger happy" card are usually the low life ghetto/white trash sort.

    I for one am a huge supporter of our police force as a whole and am glad knowing that I live in a country that has an emergency system like we do.