Pokemon Talk: Episode 1 pokemon natures

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by warrior01234, Sep 10, 2013.

  1. Hello forumers!!

    Are you intrested in pokemon?

    Here is me as Mr. Pokemon at the pokemon talk

    Today we will talk about their nature types


    That is Garchomp a nasty pokemon
  2. That's it? Lol
  3. Sorry guys couldnt finish it so Ill try again
  5. Pokemon sucks turd nuggets 
  6. Dark, Ghost, Normal, Psychic, Fire, Water, Grass, Electric, Poision, Bug, Ice, Fighting, Ground, Rock, Metal, Dragon, Flying,
  8. Growlithe the fire puppy Pokemon got slapped with a newspaper and changed his name to GrowlingDevilMaybe. Or DevilMayGrowl, or some dumb **** like that
  9. Nature types?
    Jolly, lax, and lonely are my favorites :3
  10. @Silenced, hate much on everyone else, because you got silenced?
  11. Because your name is SO much better than Devil's, Silence. :roll:
  12. I have embraced my perm silencing, thus the name change which reflects my literary bondage enforced by the almighty mods.

    With that fact established, it still safe to say that you all suck jolteon junk. 
  13. Mr. Pokemon=Professor Oak > Op Is An Old Creep That Wants To Catch Them All…
  14. Lol, like the dirty old buzzard from family guy!
  15. My reaction to this thread and Silenced Assassin:
  16. Your wasting my data plan with useless gifs of 80s washed up wrestlers.
  17. AGREED! Garchomp with dragon rush  winner of every battle
  18. E-A-G-L-E-S!!!!