
Discussion in 'Strategy' started by _Juggernaut_, Oct 12, 2010.

  1. Hey kaw, please can you post you plunder pics here. If you can't upload a pic just write the amount along with ... 1. Your build. 2. Opponents build. Must hit at max troops also. Cheers.
  2. 
  3. Would like to see... Full subs vs. Full subs. Hansel vs full guilds etc..
  4. Gee.... That's disappointing for kaw, people not getting much plunder, or maybe we just don't care about worthless threads 
  5. Being a troll is fun
  6. Damn kids.... 9 year olds shouldn't be able to play this game.
  7. Lucky that being banned is fun as well then.

    Have fun with the forum ban :)
  8. Forum ban requested. 4Th thread to be necro bumped. Bye toto.
  9. Wow not a single plundershot
  10. I'd rather see this than all the hate on that bad clan thread
  11. Bumping a thread from almost 3 years ago? Great idea....