Plunder War Handbook

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Trev-Star, Feb 3, 2011.

  1.  This is My guide to Plunder Wars. I will try to make this thread as good as possible but I don't have all this research to look at. I have to make this all from my head.


    1. What are Plunder Wars?

    2. Why do Plunder Wars help?

    3. Why do osfs spend time doing plunder wars?

    4. Are Plunder Wars good for me?

    5. What does "OPEN" and "CLOSED" Mean in Plunder Wars?

    6. How do OSFS Open In PWs?

    7. How do OSFS OPEN 24/7 In PWs? (Without Cheating)

    8. Why is Max Plunder good in plunder wars? How do I get it?

    9. Are there different Type of PWs?

    10. How do OSFs get pinned? Why?

    11. Conclusion


    What are Plunder Wars? Well there is many little definitions but the main definition is
    Plunder Wars - A forfeited war were you attack an Osf when opened.
    Some people call Plunder Wars Fun or helpful, but some people Despise them.


    Why do plunder wars help?
    Plunder Wars are helpful because you win MOST of the attacks. So that means you get more gold. OSFs are always good to get money from. If you are Maxed Plunder you will get a lot of gold. once you get the gold, then you upgrade, then u get more gold, and on and on till u finally lcbc t4. Then you try to get allies, and just relax. Or try for the leader boards.


    Why do OSFs spend there time doing plunder wars
    Why should OSFs spend there time and money doing PWs? OSFs spend there time on plunder wars because when the hitter forfeits the plunder war then all the tax goes to the Osf. The more tax you have the more money the OSFs will get. Some times OSFs don't do plunder wars just for the money. They also do it so the Hitters get money. Sometimes OSFs do plunder wars because they are generous


    Are plunder Wars good for me?

    YES Plunder wars are good for you. They are good for you for many reasons, but the main reason is because you get better GOLD
    OSFs are easy to win against because they only have spy stats, and no attack stats. There is one reason plunder wars are not the best they could be. That is because in the plunder wars they take a part of the gold you made and put in the plunder. They have to take that gold because if they need plunder. That gold they take is called War Tax . They take 20% of the gold you make and put it in the plunder. So if you made 20b a hit on an Osf then they would take 4b of that and put it in the plunder, that would mean you got 16b in your pocket.


    What does "OPEN" and "CLOSED" mean in a plunder war?

    Open means that the Osf is Open 4 you to attack him. OSFs open in PWs. Where do you look for the opens? Opens are usually posted in clan chat on The Clan Announcement. Like if it said " Ijaxon OPEN " That means you can attack him.
    Closed means the exact opposite of OPEN, closed means that the Osf is not open for Attacks, and you cannot attack him. Opens is a word For " You can attack now. "


    How do OSFS open in plunder wars
    There are many ways a Osf open in a plunder war. I will only state the common ways. The most popular way to OPEN is to Pot Drop Pot is a fancy word for a item. Drop is a fancy word for sell. An Osf drops one pot at a time to OPEN. Every time he drops the pot he gains 937 gold and then when a hitter attacks he takes that gold. The process goes on and on until the Osf closes. Another way an Osf can open is the open spy farm buys lots of small allies. Then a hitter buys one of the osf's ally, which makes money come out on the Osf. So then the hitter takes that money. The process also goes on and on until Osf closes or the open spy farm runs out of allies.


    How does an Osf open 24-7 in a Plunder War?

    An open spy farm opens 24-7 in a pw easily. The Osf just has to leave out Tons of gold. When the Osf leaves the gold out then the Hitters take all of it. A Osf usually can't open 24-7 unless they are stronger OSFS. Because it takes a lot of cash to open for 24-7 for like 50-100 Hitters. When an Osf can open 24-7 in a pw there is a bunch of plunder. There is another way OSFs can open 24-7, but that is cheating. They use the spacebar or a bot. DEVS CAN TRACT YOU DOWN IF YOU CHEAT AND WILL BAN YOU PERMANENTLY AND YOUR OTHER ALTS. So cheat at your own risk.


    Why is max plunder good in plunder wars? How do I get it?

    Max plunder is when you get to a spot where your plunder is Maxed, and cannot go any farther until you upgrade. Max plunder is good in PWs because it gives you the Most you can get. The more gold you have the more upgrading and allies you can buy. Also it will give you better tax, which means more gold for the OSFs. How do you get Max Plunder? Max plunder is easy to get, all you do is buy allies. There isn't a ways you can find out if you have max plunder ( that I know of ) all you can do is see your improvement of plunder from more allies. Allies are great to have. It is better to have a larger Allie than a lot of smaller ones.


    Are there different types of PWs?

    YES there are many different types of plunder wars. The most common two are Reverse plunder wars and one-sided plunder wars. There is also two-sided plunder wars. Two-sided plunder wars are very rare and hard to find. One-sided PW is a plunder war were one side is Osf and the other is all Hitters. Reverse plunder wars are plunder wars were the Hitters forfeit to the OSFs,and the OSFs get the tax. Two-sided plunder wars are plunder wars were there are OSFs on each side, and Hitters on each side. So the Osfs open to the Hitters on the other side.


    How do OSFs get pinned?

    OSFs get pinned easily. Other spies scout bomb them.
    Scout Bomb - Scouting again and again and again. Once the OSFS get pinned they cannot open for a little while after. OSFS get pinned because they did something wrong that made the pinner mad. Or the pinner just pinned them for fun.


    Plunder wars are always fun to have. They help all KaW out. It is an easy way to get some gold to upgrade. Plunder Wars help the OSFs get some gold. Some people think PWs are a cheat and not how KaW used to play. They are right about how KaW used to have Few Plunder Wars. But plunder Wars help KaW.

    Special thanks to:

    All of Death from Above

     TheWrathKing

     Dillybar

     All Devs

    Thanks All



  2. That's long
  3. I messed up on links..
  4. I know I put them in right an I had 5 of them....:(
  5. And thankyou :)
  6.  Trev Pwned ©
  7. ILL HIRE EVERYONE WHO READS THE Whole thing .... Lol I bet none hav...

    Trev Pwned©
  8. So.. WHY, are you teaching people how to ruin this game?
  9. I see a lot of errors and missing information, but overall on this guide I'd give you a


    Which is equivalent to a 4/10 in my book. (like I said, MY book, don't try to rationalize that )

    This guide will help all noobs, but there are better guides out there. Not trying to be mean, but even I could have made a better one "off the top of my head".
  10. A) I read the whole thing

    B) I wouldn't want you to hire me

    C) you couldn't hire me even if you wanted to.
  11. No... Just no....
  12. Everyone is waiting for the end of plunder wars..... There is already a section in a guide about plunder wars...
  13. Miiz lol I can hire 3 of you
  14. Jeez guys, don't be so mean! I liked it trev, there was some stuff I didn't know in there and I agree that it'll be useful for noobs (like me). Overall very good and I look forward to seeing more handbooks or whatever in future 

    P.s. I'd give you at least a B
  15. Ty Murray ...

    Ps.. They are rude but im now used to it
  16. Lol at least Comment

    I spent 1 day on this ....
  17. FoR ALL THOsE HATERS GTFO THIS THREAd! Also the guide is great! the pwrs i agree are sukkish but the guide is good. Pwars Guide
  18. Nice guide.. Hire me^ lol
  19. You forgot the section entitled "why plunder wars suck"
  20. Why people hate pws???