Plunder question

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Ruli, May 29, 2010.

  1. Which gives the most plunder: Forge or a subteranean factory?
  2. Factory, of course.

    Tier 3 (Factory, Circle,Aviary): 324k
    Tier 2 (Forge,Bestiary,Cathedral): 144k
    GuildLv3: 216k
    GuildLv4: 432k
  3. Level 3 forge (T2 L3) gives more plunder cap than a Level 1 Factory. T3 L2 is just slightly more than T2 L3. T3 L3 is the second highest in the game, bested only by the L4 guild.
  4. KaW junkies!! 2:00 in the morning and your play KaW....

    Oh wait.. Guess I am too
  5. Not 2am here in Antarctica!
  6. 11:52am here. Though I sometimes play through a night XD
  7. Hahah!!.! I guess I'm the KaW junkie
  8. Yeah I usually only play about three to five minutes a day. Seven minutes tops. Rarely.
  9. I typicaly play until the small lettering give me a headach for the remainder if the day...
  10. How does plunder system work I need to learn it for this clan
  11. People are working on it...
  12. Does anyone know if there are any plans to have all your allies' plunder bonuses added up and put on your profile instead of having to add them up one by one? Or does the total exist and I just find it?
  13. I don't think there are plans for that and heck idc it would be a pointless update
  14. That number is equal to 3/700 of their current value. So sum the value and mutiply.
  15. Is it true that if after you max ur plunder u can keep buying allies and eventually u will max on smaller targets as well?
  16. If you have enough $ in allies you eventually get max ALLY BONUS from the smallest targets you can attack (what zmn named "plunder floor"). But it won't make you earn mac PLUNDER, your own income, just max of the plunder BONUS from allies.