Plunder Question

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -ACAOS-, Jun 3, 2012.

  1. Hey guys,

    I am having a little trouble or am misunderstood about this subject. I currently have a 300m ally that is supposed to give 1.4m ally plunder bonus but I am only getting 800k while hitting the forgotten ones epic battle. Why is this? Did I hit max plunder at 800k with all my buildings?I got 2 forges, 2 cathedrals and like 8 or 9 bestiaries. Help me please!
  2. Hit a bigger eb or your not at max plunder. Buy another ally and see
  3. Don't spam forums one topic is enough
  4. I think he's asking why he doesn't get the 1.4mill plunder bonus his ally is supposed to give him.
  5. Yeah he is but for me to get max plunder I have to have at least 20 bil in allies but a 10 bil ally would say it gives me enough plunder but in fact it doesn't I assume it's part of the mechanics
  6. I think it's the bosses, your probably at max plunder cap for that boss. Reckoning boss gives me 10mill plunder bonus, while the FoD gives me 18mill.. I'm a hansel but still only talking plunder. The higher the boss the more plunder =)
  7. Its the epic youre doing. You get significantly less plunder from forgotten ones, than you would on Haunting.

    This is because this eb is easier than the harder ones so you get a lot less due to your strength in comparison to the eb.