Plunder Misunderstanding

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -ACAOS-, Jun 3, 2012.

  1. Hey guys,

    I am having a little trouble or am misunderstood about this subject. I currently have a 300m ally that is supposed to give 1.4m ally plunder bonus but I am only getting 800k while hitting the forgotten ones epic battle. Why is this? Did I hit max plunder at 800k with all my buildings?I got 2 forges, 2 cathedrals and like 8 or 9 bestiaries. Help me please!

  2. Ok well buy more allies that should solve your problem :)
  3. Allies will give up to their max plunder bonous

    So in theory when fighting someone twice your size if you won you could get the 1.4m bonous. But otherwise ebs like tfo for someone your size don't give more then 3/4 of the allies potential. But if you owned more allies then you might get more plunder. (unless you really are at mp)
  4. Yes, you can test your MP.
  5. Ignore the plunder bonus listed on the profile. See t he thread "What is Max Plunder?" in strategy section of the forums and it will tell you how to test wether your plunder is maxed or not.
  6. Sadly, that's not how it works :( My 200b ally doesn't give me a 925m bonus per hit although, I really wish it did.
  7. Try hiring more ally's your most likely not at max plunder. As at your size you should make 2 to 3 mil a hit.

    It may also be that the eb you are doing is to weak for you.
  8. You are at Max Plunder- people don't make it complicated, like when I do Origins I get 11mil ally bonus- when I do The Reckoning I get only 7mill it carries with the EB
  9. He's not at max plunder. It takes around 1bil in ally's to max out at his size.

    Please don't give him false info.
  10. Tfo is an easier eb, so the plunder bonus is less than what it would be for nml
  11. I know what your problem is...

    You just need: