Plunder lost with volary =(

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Shiro, Mar 20, 2013.

  1. my Plunder goes down when i change 1 guild level 4 into volary level 1.what should i do? :(
  2. Upgrade volary. Plunder will go up:)
  3. convert back to guild. its cheap :twisted:
  4. Save up 800b-1t and convert all guilds to lv3 SOS and lv1 volvs
  5. plunder will go up when i upgrade?
  6. If you do it all at once, I don't think it will. If you're too worried about it, you could save up 4t or so and upgrade all SOS and volv to lv3.
  7. lol buy a t5 attack building 17 sos i lowlands no plunder drop period.

    Then buy guilds till hlbc or buy vols do whatever you want.

    Anyone to argue this fact is a noob good luck :D