I have no idea if this is already common knowledge but I did a simple test to see how much plunder you get from assassinating. Run over 2 different haunting ebs. I did one hit with full spies and one hit near empty (very boring stuff). At full spies my hit yielded ~26m and near empty was ~4m. Showing that the plunder you get per assassination decreases as your troops decrease. As your troops decrease in a linear fashion it can be assumed that the plunder does too (I don't really want to waste another eb by hitting it once at mid troops). Therefore, if you half bar assassinate and let your troops regen throughout the eb. You will get 50% more plunder for your efforts. Hope this was a help to anybody out there. If the topic has already been covered then this may as well get deleted.
I think this is pretty common knowledge for most of us but thank you for explaining this to those who didn't know
It's the same as steals basically, though you get a few more. It's because there's no ally bonus with spy actions
I think most people know this, I tested this myself months ago, only difference is my assassin pays so bad it's hard to notice haha 34mil for a full bar unload.
This is because as you attack/do more of an action your raw stats, and total strength decrease. When your strength is at its lowest you make the least per action, it is for this reason doing a 2/3 regen or "skimming" provides the most plunder.
Tested this about a year or more ago but I haven't seen it posted in the forums for a long time. Many newer players might not have known so it's a good reminder to put out there for them
I was just trying to figure this out. My ally plunder was always (0) during the EBs so I assumed there was a way to activate the bonus in the EB. Thanks for doing the one hit EBs to get the info.
Um okay where do you see assay plunder other than end of epic bonus which would include items? Sorry, I was raised by blondes
@Dionise Hit the eb once with an assassination, and thats all. Dont hit items, quest or hit inactives instead. Then record your bonus in each occasion.
Wow too much work. But thanks for effort. I notice the Volary do way more damage. While other T5 have reduced troops @ L3 The Volary increases troops reduce spy loss and I'm assuming increase plunder