Plunder Cap Info

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Rajang, Oct 13, 2009.

  1. I'm trying to figure out the formula for what the cap is for plunder. Post here if you have reached your cap and how much it is.

    You will be able to tell If it's your cap if it ends in *,***,000 and if you fight a higher ranked enemy and get the same number.

    Add in how many soldiers and spies you have.

    Plunder Cap: 2,304,000
    Soldiers: 26,000
    Spies: 9,000

    Just know that very few people will have their cap.
  2. I need more people!
  3. You could ask scrim and TZ, they already did a guide on this
  4. I don't think TZ hit his max an I already know Scrim's
  5. Mine is 1,899,000

  6. Rajang was a noob!!!
  7. good times I didnt play during