Discussion in 'Strategy' started by XguineyX, Dec 11, 2012.

  1. Hello how do I work out my max plunder bonus and how do I get it bigger?
  2. Plz help me!!!!!!
  3. Hit an eb
    Buy a cheap ally
    Hit eb again
    If ally plunder has increased then you aren't at max plunder
  4. Damn it I just wasted 2 bil on a ally cus my plunder is full:(
  5. How do I get it bigger?
  6. By building
  7. You should know all of this by the time you get to your size
  8. I know I played this for ages then got bored and quit for like 4 months now I'm back and forgotten everything haha
  9. KaW is like riding a bike. You never forget. Except, bikes aren't as addictive as KaW is so I don't understand how you got bored.
  10. Just I was playing a lot of sport at the time and going out a lot:)
  11. Is there a way to get a plunder bonus from guild attacks like assinate
  13. :lol:
    To find your max plunder attack the battle list. 10 times a person until you get it. :roll: