pls increase plunder warring other kingdom

Discussion in 'Wars' started by eric8131, Sep 16, 2013.

  1. Dev, we used 13 pots to hits other kingdom not knowing success or fail. Suggest increase 3x plunder if success hit other kingdom.

    I think this game main is still kingdom at war. Or pls change name kingdom hit epic. Thx
  2. This opens the door to alt farming, so I do not support it.

    Anyhow, war isn't about making a profit. War is about causing damage to your opponent 

    Pinning other players and preventing them from benefitting there 3x haunting is far more fun than making a few extra bucks per hit
  3. Ppl would farm alts, so you get even more inflation than we have now. No support. May e make ebs pay less.

  4. Farming alts sounds alright with me
  5. Hit eb or farm alt oso a forms of growth. Since dev create 2x 3x hit eb, i think fair,,, if we used 13ap or 11 sap then we should get 2x or 3x plunder
  6. Ppl already farm alts....... Lol smh
  7. Topic name: pls teech meh grammur

  8. I don't see anything wrong with an increase in PvP payout, doesn't have to be a huge increase but enough to a least cover pots (especially last attack/spy attack pots) and make a profit, since you'll get fails hitting bigger players effectively losing gold every hit.
  9. Farming is like trolling, you do it cause you can and it just makes people mad. But it is so much fun to do

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