Please tell me I'm overreacting

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by whipped_cream, May 8, 2016.

  1. Okayy I have an issue I'm most likely overreacting about but I feel the need to tell someone and I guess you guys are gonna hear it.

    So first part. I'm a freshman at college and living in a dorm you get to know people pretty quick. So last semester I met this girl I liked and we ended up dating around November and we've been together since then and I've been really happy being with her.

    Second part. She's involved in Residence Life and Hall government where she is the president of our residence hall. They have weekly meetings and other stuff they go to and there's this other guy whose the president of another hall who likes her. So they have each other's numbers because they both need to communicate hall government things together.

    Third part. This guy has apparently told her that he loves her and knows she's dating me but has said he would "wait for her" because they were meant to be together. Okay kinda pissing me off at this point. She's told him "no" before but has never told him to stop flirting with her.

    Fourth part. Recently she had an allergic reaction to something she ate so I had to take her to the ER. After she had gotten all her shots and stuff, she asked me to call and update her parents on the situation and because there was no service where we were I'd have to go outside. She was about to hand me the phone then she pulled it away and I noticed she deleted her text conversation with him and then gave me the phone. I wasn't even planning on reading it because I don't invade privacy but that just made me start thinking.

    So this guy has professed his love to my girlfriend then she deletes her text convo with him before handing me her phone. I want to ask her about it but she still isn't feeling well after the ER visit so I didn't want to bug her about it. I also don't want her to think I don't trust her but why would she do that?

    Please tell me I'm overreacting.
  2. She's banging this dude.. Cut your losses and take the life lesson you just received and always remember, you can't trust ANYONE..

    Sorry about your luck bud..
  3. She is either a rubbish lock, or you're not a very good key.
  4. The line has to be drawn somewhere. Communication is key. That is, if you think you can trust her.
  5. Get back to work. You're supposed to be informing me of settlements.
  6. In my down time I enjoy talking about locks and keys, as they help keep raiders and the sort out of settlements.
  7. Prime pretty much said it.
    If you can't trust her. Then move on.
    A relationship without trust is not worth having.

    That said. As someone who has had someone try to put moves on my then girlfriend. Informing said other interested male what will happen if he contacts her again, is not beyond reason.
  8. Chaos, why did I read your post in a Bernie sanders manner?
  9. Step 1. Beat said males ass
    Step 2. Dump her shes clearly hiding something
    Step 3. Bang her mom/sister/ someone she hates
    Step 4. Move on
    Step 5. Become rich get back together with her
    Step 6. Pipe her and secretly video it
    Step 7. expose her on the internet
    Step 8. Hire a hitman to make her look like she commited suicide
    Step 9. Kill said hitman yourself to cover trail dump body in acid
  11. Why do I feel like this advice was born from experience..........
  12. Take your angst and put it in a song, man.
  13. Bang her mom that shuld teach her a lesson
  14. The dumping in a barrell of sulfuric acid in a storage locker part that was born from experience everything else is more a fun speculation of what could occur
  15. I believe it's lime and hydrochloric avid that dissolves all parts of the human body
  16. Been there done that. If a girl you're dating ain't willing to go the extra mile and tell another dude to stop with the flirting, then she's enjoying the attention he's giving her. If she deleted the texts then there was obviously something to hide. She'll prolly say something along the lines of "I just didn't want you getting upset at the things he was saying" or some bs like that. But if she really cared about you and your feelings she'd be up front about the whole thing w/o trying to hide anything.

    Fact is she doesn't want the dude to stop. If you end it, I bet you she ends up with him or another dude within a weeks time.
  17. Maybe she doesn't like him but he soft flirts with her but doesn't want you to be that "jealous" boyfriend. However you need communication and trust like what everyone said but don't have a blind eye
  18. I would ask her, why did you delete the messages to the guy? Stuttering, looking away from your gaze are probably signs of hiding something. Ask her directly. There should be no reason for something like that.

    My girlfriend and myself both are open books to each other and when there is a problem we talk about it. So again, just ask her. Whether it turns into a separation or its just a misunderstanding don't ever let yourself get played.
  19. Talk to her. Don't do anything irrational until you hear her story. It might hurt, but honesty is better than reacting without a full story.

    Take it from a guy who has been cheated on multiple times. Overreacting won't make things better, often only makes things worse. It is better to leave with a clear conscience rather than leave after actions that you might regret later.
  20. Leave her before she leaves you. You'll feel loads better. Why do I say she'll leave you? Because her obvious act of suspicion has no place in a relationship and ultimately, it'll make the relationship crumble at some point. Don't waste your emotions and time hoping she'll change because people like that rarely do. Just drop her and cut your losses as much as possible.