Please Read This Before Posting (Unofficial)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by cheesemuffin, Dec 19, 2013.

  1. If you are here in Fan Fiction because you're a KaW player who actually wants to be a part of a community (more or less) of people who enjoy writing, welcome aboard! If you are not, you're still welcome here, just don't be an ass.

    This thread is here to establish a set of guidelines for this forum. Keep in mind that these are not real rules set forth by ATA or whoever runs these forums at this point, but it would be nice to spare everyone some grief.

    1) Please, before you post something here, check which forum you're in. This place is not for wars or clans, or for your latest confession to a rival of how wrong or sorry you were. It is also most certainly not a testing ground for your latest experiment with emoji.

    2) Try to spell and use grammar correctly. I know this sounds like a trivial, stupid thing to say, but do you really want to read several threads wit speling mistake an grammer errors like these? (As a side note, it's spelled grammar.)

    3) We're not here to have personal arguments. We're here to write things, or sometimes draw them, but we are not here to call each other out on unrelated issues.

    4) Your threads' titles should be more than a single word, and if they're not, make the word mean something. The first post should also say what your thread is about, and start the conversation, or a story if that be the case. For example, a recent thread titled "Troll" had a first post saying, "I destroyed a clan!" This is not a good post, and this was never worthy of being made to begin with.

    5) If you do write a story here, please plan it out. We have guides on how to do it stickied at the top. Please follow them. We have seen many stories that start out awfully, and then go crashing down as they go on. Also, if you do not want people posting on your story, please say so. Put up a feedback thread if you wish, that is common practice here.

    6) If you came here to start a role playing thread, this is not the place. We will not tolerate any form of role play here, because Fan Fiction was taken off of iDevices' active forums due to a wave of them, and gained a reputation for spamming and irritating many forum goers.

    7) As with all forums, Fan Fiction is not exempt from the general rules. Act here as you would elsewhere.

    TL; DR
    1) Make sure you want to post here (Fan Fiction)
    2) Spell words correctly and use proper grammar. You have the entire Internet as a dictionary if needed.
    3) We are not here for your arguments with clan mates or friends.
    4) Have a decent title and first post when making a thread.
    5) Take care in writing a story here. We have guides to help you out.
    6) We do not tolerate RP threads here, ever.
    7) General forum rules still apply here.

    Thank you for reading these guidelines, and making this forum experience better for us, and for yourself.
  2. Good thread.
  3. Thanks cheese. Hopefully this will help to clean up all the scumbag threads.
    I think this should be stickied.
  4. I agree. This should be stickied.

    Hopefully this will stop *some* of the spam that goes around over here.

    And the mod that keeps moving junk threads to the Fan Fiction section (Moose? *cough*), I have this to say to you:

    •There is a Graveyard section of forums for a reason.

    •Just lock the thread and leave it. DON'T move it here, not being locked, and waiting for it to disappear into this massive pile of ****.

    •Why would you move half the threads here in the first place? That thread "Why KaWers should not go to Church" was moved into the Fan Fiction section. That makes next to no sense, and it's pointless.

    DON'T move all your crappy AT threads here...
  5. Oh, and those "Continue the Sentence" threads?

    Don't make them.
  6. Yes, please don't post junk.
  7. I hate cheese ... but I like this thread.... muuussst find a flaw