please hit EB to earn alots of gold!

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Beware, Jan 20, 2013.

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  1. When u hit please hire other alies to earn gold

    Thank you,
    By Zaw
  2. God has spoken
  3. 
  4. You aren't any better Cyan
  5. ....... Uhhhh

  6. Stop it or I go back to farming you ._.
  7. That's not even the proper use of the meme.
  8. You're gonna tell me what i can write on an image? :lol:
  9. Zurel when deni says something she means it bruh
  10. Waiting for Deni to prove me wrong, seen alot of talk lately.
  11. Oh, I don't know about that Arbiter, her banner says something about her hitting back; so I hit her once a day to see what happens.

    Nothing happens -_-
  12. :lol: funny pic but deni really does :shock:
  13. Dude,mess with deni and I'll be forced to challenge you to fisticuffs
  14. Oh ****. Not fisticuffs!

    Lemme get my apology thread ready for Deni :shock:
  15. We have a future moderator here go op !
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