Please hire me I'm poor :(

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *INEEDUNOWBYMYASS (01), Sep 8, 2010.

  1. Fail thread noob why is this on fac fiction
  2. Fail. Get off the forums.
  3. Stop asking!! if u do maybe ppl will hire u
  4. Hires aren't even that great y don't u just quest?
  5. I might have if you put this in off topic but Now I guess not
  6. I'll volley you to 6Billion if you hire me.
  7. I actually loled
  8. I'm bein serious. If he can pony up the cash to hire me then I'll volley him to 6Bil. (All I have on hand ATM).
  9. How much are you worth?
  10. Priceless. But I'm 17Bil at the moment. 
  11. Lol go find à job