please cf iG 

Discussion in 'Wars' started by __Just__Push__It__In__________, Jun 20, 2014.

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  1. Im dearly sorry for the toruble i caused yall and the disrespect i was just mad because you guys didnt help me i should have calmed down.and.gol.i never ment to disrespect u u have allways been there and im sorry
  2. No, no, no. Jesus Christ u pansies. U guys make me sick. Y u apologize to this weak ass clan???? Just reset u idiot
  3. And I scroll down to see salty's cf thread. 
  4. Its different. Idontnosalty is a beast
  5. He's smarter than you salty. Gonna bring out that big bad main?
  6. Talking about weak ass chumps 
  7. Weak ass clan eh? Not smart to be running your mouth and disrespecting my family!!
  8. You need to put more in to the sorry note

    Not impressed 
  9. And yeah. WEAK ASS CLAN
  10. I'M right here big boy, come make me shut up lol
  11. Shut up already u noob
  12. Bring it salty noob pants
  13. Look Who's talking posting forums with that small account, chicken
  14. Lol true but funny
  15. I can take on ur chump ass clan all by myself
  16. U gerls r the funniest to destroy. U cry nonstop
  17. And i aint small. I lift big time u weaklinks
  18. iG was a good war clan/family.
  19. No need to involve my clan or family Salty, I'M always available for a pvp
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