In the time ive been playing, ive come acros many builds ive used most of them: i was a gh(main) later hansel then tank etc, etc,etc... the build that i enjoyed the least was ps. Many of u remember me as a towered ps. For my style of play, that build sucked real bad cuz i want inc and the towers and lack of allys was no incentibe. Of course, ppl whine no matter what kinda build u got. Ppl want u to meet their demands so it shows u got the courage. It reminds me of the fighting stile in the civil war. Both trups went face to face and they shot each other in the open. Thats uat this kinda plaiers want u to do. Usually they have huge attack. So u better do uats convenient for them or u a coward. Now i truly enjoy these build. All atack. It is not uncomon this days to find 20,30 mil cs attack build players. So many, many more can attack me. But guess uat? Now it is sb,ass and stls ( i only have 1 guild so it shud b all steals but whatever). Attacks pay more than stls yet u spy? Weak. And the ppl whining i was a ps now using spyes. ( these chumps sometimes fail on my guild :lol: ) Now, im quite happy u waste ur troops/spyes on me. What i dont understand is ur whining. U wine to other players, to the devs, to support,to mods, to ur mommy. Stop it. TL;DR.- 1.- STOP WHINING 2.- BLAME THE GAME NOT THE PLAYA 3.- IM BUTTHURT SO SPI ME SOME MORE SO BUTTHURT INCREASES.ATTACKING ALSO TEACHES ME A LESSON.
:lol: Yet you cried on a wall because they wouldn't attack you. You said quit using spy actions and attack because you like to know who attacks you