I can't find any strategy on playing from pinned position. Would someone with experience please post the Best way to Play from Pinned position. What is the best Build? Where and how to bank gold? How to use alts to hit back? It is obvious that there are many very strong KAW bullies that use their strength to push noobs around. But even these bullies want to grow stronger to get their placement on top of the leader board. So the best way to keep these bullies in check is to fight them back an make them waste their hits and their clan hits. If they want to push you around, make them waste their 24 crystals a day on wasted hits. So when you fight back, most likely they will strip and pin you. So just let them waste the $$$ and energy to do that. In the mean time just grow an alt.
Playing from pin simply means keeping your troops and spies at zero by hitting target every 10 minutes (after 2 regens).
Playing against a very strong player, I will most likely be stripped and pinned. I would want to keep him and and his clan busy wasting their time hitting me. So when they let off, I need to regenerate and get a few hits in on the strong player. I would think that the best build would be full attack with all "Hatcheries" or full spy with all "Volary". Bank all gold in Bronze Bars. Equip and xtal for max hit stats for attack unit and max spy stat for spy unit.
Bank gold on att pots. Keep ur troops @ 16% by unloading on ur opponent till at 16% then hit every five minutes. It doesnt really matter what build u are. Pin fighting is just a strategy to use when ur opponent is a lot bigger than you.
Good point with banking gold on attack pots rather than Bronze Bars. But I think your build does matter. I think that you would need maximum hit stats in order to get through on a very strong opponent. Forget about building defense or defensive pots. most likely any very strong opponent will would get through any defense you build. The key here is to get one or two hits through just to piss the bully off and get him/her to waste hits on you. The only way to beat the bullies is to stun their growth and mean it. I hate bullies! :evil: :evil:
My advice is to fight every 5 minutes, keeping your troops and spies zeroed, as you're open for certain builds, doesn't matter if you're below 20%. You're gonna burn tons of pots at this range, and also annoy the **** out of your enemy.
Here's what I like to do unload both bars keep troops pinned while letting spies regen then blast with assassinations repeat
For sure this is the key to beating bullies! But here is the question. is it possible to annoy those people in the top 10? More specifically I'm after Os-Nckz. She is crazy strong! But a bully nevertheless. :?
A person like that spends so much money is hard. My only advice is be persistent and don't let losses get to you. My guess is best you could hope for is them gaining respect for you.
-Unload both bars -(if hansel) perm-pin your troops when you are on -depending on the stat difference, unload assassinations accordingly until you no longer burn 11SDP. -if in the normal 11SDP burn range and burning less, keep going -continue until they have 3-6 SDP -track their sleep cycle -strip -max xtal using full SAP. (And mith if needed), also equip your best static spy atk equip -every xtal will get you 18 steals, skim 2 attacks every 5 minutes to increase gold losses. -Once target is DTW, attack/assn to see if still up. -If target is still up, then you cleared 100% of their newly found liquid assets -proceed with 60 consecutive successful scouts to wash away all evidence -walk away feeling like a badass hope it helps OP
Did that once on some smart ass moose let's just say he tried to get me kick from clan and after he failed he wanted cf :lol: