Planning, Editing, Writing Ver. 0.7

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Burningclaw, Oct 13, 2011.

  1. To write a story you must have A good topic, never stray from your topic and always plan.
    I have seen so many Kaw writers randomly throw things into stories.(not naming names,,,,,)So I decided to take out one of my old books to share with you...

    •Use complete sentences even when planning, everything counts
    •Follow Format "A" at the Bottom for "Informative writing"
    •Never skip ahead
    •plan ahead
    •Always have back ups

    •make multiple drafts and label the each[I.E. DI,DII,DIII]
    •Proofread, please don't make simple errors like me, TRUST ME you don't want to be like me...
    •depending on the type of story the format will change
    •limit your writing(If writing about cows do this: Cow-Livestock-Farming-Ect.)

    •double check correct verb form, Past, Present, Future
    •Use Plural when talking about two or more
    •Contractions: He's:He is dont mix these up with Possessive
    •Lay is when a Chicken is Laying egg... You can't "Lay" down, you lie down
    •Don't repeat the same ProNoun over and over again... PLEASE:
    He walked away, as he tried to catch up to him after he left them(WHAT?)Nelson Walked away as Philip tried to catch up after he left them
    •Never start a sentence with a conjunction unless it's a sentence
    •Lastly Use ProNouns But don't go over kill!

    Format A basic layout:
    Yes this is actually standard
  2. Comments questions? Questions Comments?
  3. This is common knowledge.

    *head wrists clockwise 180`*
  4. Drafts....
    Let's see...
    I only make one? or zero...
    I guess my "technique" is called "just write"....
  6. good job good job could use a little more french fries and hamburgers but the cheese will do.