This came to my attention several days ago so I figured I would post it here and see what you people thought of it. An undercover reporter posing as a tissue buyer contacted planned parenthood looking for the sale of organs. Click on this link, or cut and paste it into your browser. Here are the scandals 1. The director, Deborah, was talking about how she can skirt the law when it comes to such things as "partial birth abortions" 2. Planned parenthood is trafficking in the sale of human organs for profit, which is clearly illegal. 3. If these aren't babies/people that are getting killed for profit, then how can simple "lumps of tissue" have hearts, lungs, livers and brains? Anyhow, check out the link and give me your reaction below.
Re: planned parenthood caught in major sting. what are your thou I've seen that video before. The way she gulps her wine and stuffs her face with food while talking about this stuff is pretty nasty. Slow down the food wagon lady!
They dun show operation - it's conversation It's illegal - ppl should b going to jail It's understood by all to b unethical too I seriously doubt they made women aware of what they would do - I dun care if it's in a waiver form hidden under fine print - u need to let ppl know verbally what you intend to do with fetal body parts.
Sale of humans organs is not illegal in all countries. However recently they are made it so you can be prosecuted when returning to your home land. I think Israel is one of the countries that permits sale of your own organs and the prices paid for certain organs are rather nice. I do not see a issue of selling ones own organs, in the name of freedom I think you should have the right to sell your organs.
The OP does bring up a good point. People have organs. Thus, if a life inside a persons womb has a heart, liver, brain and lungs, it stands to reason it's a person, which, to me, makes this all out murder for profit. The smug attitude of the woman in the video also makes me wanna smack her.
they aren't selling the tissue for profit. they get costs reimbursed. the video that everyone is watching edited out the part where she explains that. that is because the people behind the video have a history of editing out the parts they don't want people to see. even knowing that the "full" 2 1/2 hour video is available; because they know no one will watch it. they will all just watch the parts that they want you to see. i'm assuming the full vid is edited anyway. oh, and hearts, lungs, livers, and brains are tissue. i can't understand why you would phrase it like that.
oh. and right at the beginning of the full video, one of the actors goes on at length to convince the lady to share a bottle of wine with her. they did that because they knew how bad it would look to see her drinking a glass of wine.
Having a drink of wine makes no one look bad. Gulping your wine and talking about parting out kids which your mouth full of food looks terrible. And if you're going to claim that planned parenthood looks bad in this video because of clever editing, I would direct you to the 5:06 time stamp in the video where Deborah talks about skirting the partial birth abortion laws by simply lying about their intent. That's not editing it taken out of context. That's Deborah's own words. As for livers, hearts, lungs and brains being "tissues" you're correct! They are. And they come from people. You cannot tell me that the organs being harvested aren't coming from a person. If it wasn't a person in the womb, it wouldn't have the organs a person has.
Seriously dun matter if it's free or for profit - you dun sell/donate fetus body parts U dispose of it properly
I have provided a video for your review on the first page and given you a time stamp to check out. If you want to counter the point that the video makes, then the burden is on YOU to provide your own link and time stamp with context to provide clarification. Defend your own POV. Don't ask me to do it for you.