Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Tempesst, Apr 12, 2014.

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  1. file:///C:/Users/filtered/Documents/tumblr_mzbnam7ASw1rrqglzo1_500.gif
  2. Pizza will make you fat
  3. Wat is this garbage
  4. *copy url*[./img]

    "/" closes your command.
  5. There is a censored word in his URL
  6. It's not even a URL.

    That's a link straight from his hard drive. You can't post pics from there.

    You need to use photobuckey or some other media sharing website.
  7. Photobuckey? Lol
  8. Inb4 another kamil_toe retirement thread
  9. Inb4 I eat pizza
  10. :?

    Need to use codes that the forums use, not whatever that is.

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