pics of most plunder in one hit

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by AznAssassin14, Jun 8, 2011.

  1. Hi id just like to see some screenshots of u guys attacking and screen capturing your plunder preferably high plunder thx
  2. _../'―||||||||―――― ]

  3. I get 33mil a lot but I dnt take screen shots
  4. Is it me or has this thread been created recently?
  5. Lol. Max possible is 39b using a Hansel with all L4 Guilds on both High Lands and Low Lands
  6. [​IMG]
    48 CoE, 1 SoS, 1 Castle - all level 3 against a BC OSF

    You can get into the mid 70's with titans.
    Hitting "Troop" based opponents who are potted up can get you even higher.
  7. Tex its not look at my allies
  8. Roman, with those allies, you couldn't make 10 mil a hit...
  9. Yes roman redstar dose not make 3.5 bil
  10. wrong. t4 def building makes more than guild lv3.
  11. bs. there is an ally plunder cap, no mater how m,any allys u have, u cant make 3.5 bil; in a hit.
  12. Oh sorry i thought u meant ever. ok 6.8mil
  13. most money ever
  14. I made 54 off a full potted attack build.
  15. 32mil before tax...can't be arsed to screenshot