Pics of Builds (Remade)

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by n8n8, Jun 28, 2012.

  1. Ok guys, I saw a thread where you post pics of builds but, there is no reason they had or a way to help people out by it. So today I have made this thread to say your build post advantages and disadvantages, if you have a lot of gold say why you have that much gold out, and how you earned that gold. Also say if it is a "technical build" meaning if there is something different about it (e.g Technically a hansel is less than 25% spy build. I would say 20% though. But to most people hansel is all spies one troop building, what I'm saying for that is say you are HLBC and you have one of each T4 troop building instead of just a COE, etc.) Thankyou Everyone!
  2. This is still spam
  3. Fail. Lol
  4. today I read a fail