Phalanx always matched with stronger clans? Why Devs?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IIIIII____J-Walker____IIIIII, Nov 3, 2013.

  1. Hi Devs

    Phalanx is a small quiet little clan and we enjoy the rancor wars very much. We've been at it for a while and we've won a few.. lost a few...

    Week 7 and we're experiencing a really bad streak.. which got us thinking :roll:

    And here's what we found out :eek: :
    Wow! :(

    What's going on here Devs? How is it that we are always matched up with a stronger clan? Isn't it fair to assume that we would be matched up with a 50:50 chance? ... Sometimes with a stronger clan and other times with a weaker one?

    And why are the ranking gaps so large? For example, why is KOFTE - ranked 2, matched with us at Rank number 10? What happened to the clans that were ranked 3 4 5 6 7 8 & 9???? Why would we be matched up with a clan 8 spots stronger?

    Plus the CS differential is huge when considering that we are already the weaker clan.. Lower by 104mil???

    We don't expect to win all the time. But we would appreciate a level playing field.

    Devs, please look into this quickly. Considering that we are happily popping xtals every war, we really need to understand what is happening here...

  2. It's ATA, what do you expect? :|
  3. Time to reveal what's under the carpet. :roll:

  4. Obviously not happily popping xtals
  5. Devs don't like you.
  6. It does feel that way! :| Arrgh!
  7. You guys use guild hansels. So yea thats the tradeoff 
  8. Fully support~ dev should really look into this :( this been happening since S1
  9. @ lily~ which clan dont use GH ? There is lots out there -_-
  10. Actually Kotfe Hit Squad and Chaos Reborn dont use the GH exploit ;)
  11. Valid question J.
  12. Ooops forgot to add Sparta Elite ;)

    Maybe your roster needs to do with a few less GH in it ... Come join us few who dont conform and follow like sheep ... The air is very refreshing 
  13. In all fairness, KotFE do not use GH to lower our CS. What you see is what you get. I sincerely appreciate the shout out though. Good luck next week with your EE endeavors.
  14. Those clans that do use gh are outnumbered in cs as well. They typically have huge tanks with lb bfa. If you want similar cs then best war without gh 
  15. Algorithm is still . Hit ratio made it worse but allowed LB to ee S2. LBers deserve to war too but if these matches continue we will see fewer and fewer clans continue to ee. The decrease in participants is if course also part if the problem now. Support and respect to op, have a few old bruises from u bud
  16. I think you guys are great warriors at KOFTE & Hit Squad and it's a well deserved victory for you guys. But the question to the Devs really is why wouldn't KOFTE be matched with a clan ranked 3rd or 4th... rather than with us at 10th position and at 104mil CS Lower...

    104mil CS is almost half a clan :|

    Or maybe... why wasn't Phalanx matched up with a clan that ranks 8 levels lower as well?
  17. Are you looking at raw stats or looking at Bonus to allies? Just so we can be on the same page.
  18. We are looking at raw stats but the rankings posted by the Devs in forums takes into account BFE & BFA as well.

    So when they rank Kofte at lvl2 and Phalanx at lvl10, we are definitely 8 slots below Kofte overall.
  19. Match ups are screwed up - they work both ways and people have chosen to go down this path of changing their rosters to get better match-ups. We have accepted this now - we accept some wars against certain clans we just cannot plunder no matter how hard we try - and hey if you are thrashing us in a war you normally end up with us singing to you or us giving you a nice cup-cake recipe or two 
    Unless clans start warring with just a solid nice roster of friends ... Theres never going to be 100% perfect match-ups. People just need to chill and try to enjoy the EE wars a bit more and stop chasing the idea we can all be like RH 