Petition to save the tower build!!!

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Kotrizo, Jan 3, 2013.

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  1. I have played Kingdoms at War for a long time. (No not on this account, but I was a player back when clans were just in forums. Since towers have been in the game, they really have been ignored. They are finally being used and bringing strategy to the game. Some believe the tower builds are unfair, but I believe they bring an exciting new element of warfare to the game and are finally being valuable to play ers. Support below of you agree that towers and the tower build in general should be saved!
  2. Support

    I say just come up with a new way of warring to take them out! Simple really.
  3. I support the idea, however I don't support the multiple posts.
  4. What are tower builds?
  5. Support, they worked hard for their build and deserve to keep it. Not such a wise build choice(still pretty good) if it doesn't have the same mechs
  6. Low

    The entire community is engaging e devs directly on KaW admins thread, thus rendering this thread as redundant. Please comment in KaW admins thread
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