Petition to END New Pots

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by RoCK0, Oct 29, 2012.

  1. Thanks for reading this. I will have no pictures n stuff because I'm on my phone and kinda tired.

    I have been in constant osw for about 1.5 months now. My pots are dwindling (obviously) and I have few spy atk pots left. Due to the recent release of the new pots I am unable to spy on builds which have six times less spy stats than I do. Obviously there is something wrong here. We all want people to war more often, so devs need make it possible to go to war and not lose so much freakin money that u need to go back and hit hauntings to fund your endeavors. I like to war and I don't like to hit hauntings. Sue me.
  2. Support 100%.

    Won't happen though. The nob whales will never let that happen.
  3. Lol I think next time I have 100 bil it will be more worthwhile to invest in new pots instead of upgrading to t5.
  4. Already made this petition, isn't going to happen... At least they made them purchasable.
  5. They make us do eb more and buy more xtal i think...
  6. I do enjoy the new bank though
  7. Have them end EBs while we are at it
  8. Troll, making them purchasable is the problem. Why did you advocate that? I don't see the benefit. Please explain thanks.

    It escalates the cost of war. Need bigger payouts for hitting players to offset cost of pots.
  9. That's the nessicary evil of the eb. Hit it, pot up, then you have all the pots to crush some people in war. If all else fails, mith is your best friend
  10. Support for better rewards pvp
    Not for removal of pots. That won't happen. But tweaking gold earnt pvp both in and out of war would certainly help incentive to fight in the game.
  11. Rock u like to war but doing Osw with 8 people hmmmm and call me a dumbazz hahahaha
  12. you got my support
  13. @ Pete. the reason its better to make them purchaseable is now we dont have to do ebs to get them.
  14. Yah I woulda supported if they didn't even it out with the attk / spy attk

    But they did.

    Not gonna change it now. Despite all the emails
  15. Taking away pots wont happen, idea for increasing payout I support
  16. Is anyone else thinking these new pots will help balance out the new war system as you have to have fuller troops to get through defence pots. So rather than dtw you will end up forced to fight from full in a balanced match up. ( which devs are trying to ensure happens with their new system) they control Estocs edge line up so who's going to fight from reduced troops if they fail every or a lot of attacks. The incentive will be to remain high troops to break opponents.
  17. I noticed you only had a 2 bil ally the other day... Someone bought him and you didnt buy another for hours.

    Do you know about max plunder or that something you don't have time for during your epic 1/2 month or whatever?

    Maybe ppl not at max plunder have no business making threads about pots they can't afford? Hmmm?