Dear Kaw, I was thinking while going for a run earlier. In some kaw profiles, people have old, "weak" bfe on their profile page. You know where it shows the 5 equipment? Well this is a petition to be able to choose the better equipment, and put that in the profile page slots. Please no trolling or hating, and if this has been said before I'm sorry. Thanks. Sensei
Shadow, What if you have all the mith equip, and the 5 it shows are the helmet, boots, glove, crown, and the ring? Wouldn't you want it to show the Chestplate, sword, morning star, greaves, and pauldrons?
It shows Te equipment by release date, and if it's that weak that you don't want it seen, just unequip it.
It's just for show.. The purpose of the 5 displayed isn't a show-off case. If you want people to see better ones, simply go to "show more".