Petition to add Guild in the new land

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by airasub, Jul 25, 2013.

  1. GUILDS, GUILDS , GUILDS , GUILDS any takers?
  2. Op^ 17/17/54
  3. Full support. I require more guilds.
  4. Nah. Guilds are op anyways. If they want to be more war powerful. Put towers in new lands
  5. Gh are too overpowered as is. I wouldnt go so far as to say its an exploit but there is no need to give an even better stats to an already amazing build
  6. Whoa smart hand of god. I should do that
  7. No support, and why is a nooblet wanting guild in new lands, he doesn't even have highlands yet.
  8. If you're going to put up a petition, I suggest adding support reasons to why KaW should support your idea.
  9. He's an alt of a gh I'm guessing imagine how beautiful it would be. Land complete guild hansels. Better than any build ^_^
  10. Never mind he just got his first high land. No point in this forum, owner has no right to petition with his position
  11. Full support
  12. Sparkles :D :lol: lol
  13. T6 will most likely overpower GH plunder completely. They brought T6 in for many reasons but one was to stop GH being the best for money.
  14. Even as a Spy based build this gets a big fat no. Guilds way too Op as it is granting them on T6 is just madness. Give me better stat based spy buildings. I would go as far as to ask for guilds to be tweeked bck a little.
  15. It's funny, GH will benefit most from this, even though there are no guilds... Just watch.
  16. No Support!!! Op just cause your small and can't afford T6 doesn't mean you need guilds. Finish highlands first OP
  17. Support. Theres no harm in giving players of different ideas the opportunity. Will make game more dynamic, if different builds enabled.