petition for spy quests

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by supergod357, Oct 29, 2012.

  1. Well, the devs should probably add spy quests for hansels. Just a thought but that would also shut up about all these people asking for devs to sell crystals. Well feedback I'll make a super detailed one later and lets see if I can get kaw-admin to see
  2. No Support.

    People could pin their soldiers and their spies in a war.
  3. Been petitioned many times. Devs said no.
  4. Why?
    Hansels get good reward at almost every EB, if they do things right. :eek: :)

    Understand your thought tho.
  5. Hmm, never heard this idea before.
  6. Why did devs say no?
  7. Usually people just steal from others.
  8. devs said no because kaw was originally supposed to be for "attack" builds. hansels and spies were not a real build. so like the equipment imbalance, building imbalance, here is the quests imbalance.

    equips give better bonus overall to attack builds

    buildings give better stats to attack builds

    quests are only given to troops.

    game was originally designed for troops builds.