Perspective of Pride

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Rusted_Knight_of_Serenity, Jun 30, 2015.

  1. pride
    • a feeling or deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements, the achievements of those with whom one is closely associatedw, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired.

    This thread is to go over a common gripe about the difference between LGBT and Black Pride over White and Straight Pride.

    Currently we are seeing a rainbow colored mania in both Ireland and the United States with recent laws going in effect that gives them the right to marry without being denied in a court of law. This movement has birthed and is promoting Gay Pride.

    With that, many straight couples have countered the Gay Pride movement with Straight Pride. When the two are compared, Gay Pride is received as the "good guys" as the people who push "Straight Pride" are regarded as the "Bad Guys"

    This is the same standing views of Black Pride in the USA vs White Pride.

    So why is it acceptable for one and not the other? How is one side perceived as good and the other as bad? Well I will answer that.

    The Different in Prides

    The world has been making strides in the past 100 years to ensure equality. More has been done for equal rights in the last 100 years than in the previous 2,000.

    In that, The European and North American continents are comprised mostly of white Christians to which has been ran by males for a very long time.

    It wasn't until the last decade that people from the LGBT community could openly express their love without heavy criticism. Still people openly hate and the word "Gay" is still used as a very common derogatory insult.

    But recently a few nations has allowed them to share the same rights as straight couples; marriage.

    So what's the difference in perspective in the prides?

    Well Gay Pride is about coming out into the world and fighting for equal rights. It is a culture along with their supporters standing as one, against oppression, to have to same rights as the straight couples. Marriage is not only the ultimate bond people can have with each other, but the legal Union carries with it a lot of important rights.

    Straight Pride is seen and perceived as a grumpy and salty stance. It seems to be more about keeping marriage a solidarity between man and woman and to exclude the LGTB community. To which it looks like an oppressive movement. For those that go about raving about Straight Pride, those individuals seen whinny and needy. Wanting to take a bit of the momentum from the gays to promote and feel better about themselves.

    This same thing can be said about the difference between a White and Black Pride.

    The oppressed, when fighting and winning against their oppressors, will always have a more favorable perspective when it comes to their pride vs the oppressors pride.

    With that I end you with my final thoughts.

    How beautiful of a world would it be of all there was to be prideful about was your family, community, and life?

    This is Rusted Knight of Serenity saying Good Fight and Good Night

  2. beautiful 
  3. Nice, well written. Agreed with everything here.
  4. Well the thing is, straight people already have all the pride they need. Gay people are the ones who are attacked and hated for who they are, so they truly are the ones that need Gay pride.

  5. Well said
  6. Well, considering the definition includes the fact that pride is for something achieved , Straight Pride doesn't really make sense to me. I'm not sure what has been recently or in the past achieved for straight people only. Gay Pride is celebrating the most recent achievement of the Supreme Court making gay marraige legal in all 50 states.
  7. Very well written
    was worth reading

    liked the ending-Good fight good night :D
  8. The issues surrounding such things are made more complicated and hostile then religion is involved (as always) and when gays wish to be wed in a temple/church etc, if the religion is against such acts then should the religion not also be respected ? It is not a one way street and political correctness has gone into overdrive.The gay marriage is against many religions dating back thousands of years and as such I do not believe gays or even none believers have any right to demand acceptance in this religion or permitted a marriage in the church or place of worship itself. One must remember the service held in a church is in the eyes of the believer a commitment before their god ,so one should believe and act as that religion states or it basically makes a mockery of the religion and doing as they wish,I do not conform to many religions and As such i do not feel I have the right to demand such things it is completely ludicrous not only to expect acceptance but to demand it.If one needs to find acceptance from others to feel pride then this is a personal flaw not one with the community itself,I also feel if people feel that things are ok perhaps they should try it themselves. For if you are not willing to do something then deem it as acceptable is that in itself not being hypocritical and betraying your own morals and beliefs ? People need to be more honest with themselves before first trying to conform with the sheeple, and in the name of political correctness or in fear of being made a pariah and simply say yes carry on.
  9. I think most people don't know or choose to ignore that there are churches that allow LGBT in their religion.

    Of course, some churches and religious people will be against it. That's fine.

    Other will accept them, when they know God will judge them when judgment day has finally arrived.

    I agree 100% with you Rusty.

    I really wish the message were simply of family, community, and life.
  10. Lol black hand alt
  11. CreamPie, leave my thread.
  12. Thanks for posting that.

    I didn't even want to get into the religious side of this because every which way I tried to write it, it came off as looking like I was bashing the believers.

    Well put son of Poseidon. (Or daughter.. I've heard different things about your gender and it's confusing. Lol)
  13. Just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities, which likewise indulged in sexual immorality and pursued unnatural desire, serve as an example by undergoing a punishment of eternal fire.So lets stop the buggery and cast these into the eternal fires Amen
  14. Thank you for this Rusted, there are so many I see asking why there needs to be a "gay pride" parade, or what have you. This is an eloquent way of stating the answer I always give.
  15. Humm.

    Tell me. Why do you choose to believe Gay marriage is such a sin?

    Is it really the beckoning of damnation? Wouldn't divorce, or having kids out of wedlock, or doing it before you was married, or cheating on your spouse, or having more than one partner, or wearing clothes that have more than one fabric, or eating pork, or eating shrimp also Carry the same damnation.

    What I am saying is. Feel free to follow and believe and be who you want to be. But don't cast other's sins as a damnation when you most likely sin just as much.

    I feel like it is not too out of the question to seek and appreciate understanding and keep true to ourselves while not forcing others to live our lifestyle.
  16. A much needed thread. Thanks.
  17. I have to admit it's very stereotypical to assume everyone behind straight/white pride is trying to suppress gay/black people. I'm proud to be white just like I'm proud to be Irish and it has nothing to do with anyone else. I'm proud because of my ancestors and my history nothing else.

    However I agree that there are people who fit the stereotype and your thread is 100% accurate in relation to them
  18. You misunderstand me.

    I am talking more about the perception between them, not the philosophy of why people have and sponsor the pride.

    This is more of a post to inform people why there is a difference in opinion between those who say white/straight pride vs those who say black/gay pride.



    Btw well written op.