Persepolis standing against discrimination against homosexua

Discussion in 'Wars' started by jasmin-bala, Jun 19, 2014.

  1. Recently Persepolis got involved into an argument in More Core Division clan with two admins Justis_ And murdersinsilence26 and they started making joke of homosexuals. It has to be learnt that a social game is not a good place for making joke of people race, culture, ethnicity, color, gender etc. These two noobs are being thought their lessons and need to appologize for insulting homosexuals.
  2. If this is true, it's probably the most respectable thing perse has ever done
  3. Good job Persepolis.
  4. You can never escape it sadly. It will always happen no matter what.
  5. Maybe not today, but we can try to reduce it. Look at how far racism has been reduced in the past 50 years.
  6. If it was a joke then it's obvious that it wasn't meant wholeheartedly and it was to be taken lightly. Change your wording in the op and maybe you can make them look like bad guys. Right now, from my perspective, it looks like you're overreacting to this "joke."
  7. even if you can not escape it, it should not be tolerated. Those kinds of hating words can cause harm to people in their real world life. So what if this is a war game, that's what it should stay. A game. Real peoples personal lives shouldn't be crushed in such a game.
  8. I dont think any "joke" with a taste of discrimination against a minority is funy at all. It's an obvious disrespect against the mentioned minority.
  9. Within this is the fact that the minority should not attempt to force their way of life and discriminate against the majority....
  10. They have right to choose their way and live as they want, as long as they are of no harm to you, you no one should be allowed to mock anyone bc of their sexuality.
  11. I'm not anti-gay or anything, but I think any kind of joke is ok as long as it's only a joke. Oh, and I'm a minority that loves jokes about my own race :)
  12. People really are too sensitive these days, oh yea. Don't say merry xmas either, you might offend someone lol

    Jk! Support to Persepolis. Not necessarily for the pro-gay farming. But for just hitting in general. I don't necessarily agree with farming them over a joke, jokes aren't meant to be taken seriously. And if they are homophobes that's their opinion and farming won't change it. I personally don't support gay marriage, but I'm not a douche about it. Support for keeping PvP Alive!
  14. so cause the majority of us are tolerant ya shouldnt force your discriminatory ways on us (giggle)
  15. However, this is more of a stand against all minority jokes.

    So now what is expected is for Perse to start farming everyone who makes a blond joke, redneck joke, redhead joke, Mexican joke, black joke, Jewish joke, etc.

    And is pretty much a hypocrite if he has ever made any of those sort of jokes himself.
  16. Posts like this should be locked this is a game I don't want to get on here and see these wannabe heroes defending there gay ****.
  17. Two lesbians walked into a bar……

    opps sorry cant finish this joke , I wouldnt want to offend anyone ツ
  18. This is ******* stupid and I dare you to hit me for what I'm about to ******* say.

    It is their opinion just like homosexuals have the right to be homosexuals and say what ever they want people have the right to express their selfs as well. Would you take it differently if 2 homosexuals make jokes about straight people?

    "I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." - Evelyn Beatrice Hall.
  20. Pretty sure Voltaire said that, just saying