Ok I really hope I am doing this on the right section, but i don't know if the formula I have for perfect TAV (total ally value). I was told to have the perfect ally amount it needs to be (all your stats added together x 5500) is this right or is there a more acurate fromula? :? If you know one that is better please share so i can show others this as well
People say x6500 but the easiest way is to hit an eb and note down, buy a small ally (~100m) hit from max again. Rinse and repeat until it stops increasing.
You are after the max plunder value for allies. Your formula sounds about right but the safest way is to check after each upgrade. 1. hit one person you know you can beat 2. Make a note of the bonus from ally number 3. Buy ally worth 200,000 4. Re hit original target and see if bonus from ally changes 5. If it goes up you need to buy more allies Later in the game the perfect amount of allies is to get to the top of the ally leaderboard
Max ally plunder was determined for me, by attacking a target @ full troops , I noted my ally plunder. Bought a 50-150 mill ally and attacked the same target!! If my plunder went up then I repeat the step. If it did not go up then I was max ally plunder
I'm tired of these ( supposed mp calculations ) there is no correct or more correct formula. Best way to mp hire ally's till your plunder does not go up any more. You will possibly need to hire an additional ally or two to remax plunder if you go to a higher paying eb. Like FOD vs haunting but if your big enough to do either of those. You should have more then 5 or 10 bil in ally's anyways.
((Att+def)*5500 )+ ((spy att + spy def) * 6500) works within a few million. EB plunder max seems to be lower. Formula above works for PvP ala old plunder war days
LOL :lol: thnks guys i will try some of these formulas and ideas but if u have more feel free to post it here
5b in allies is enough to cover any build for first 25 lands. If you are building on highlands you should have much more than that in allies anyway but 10 (14 to be sure)b should be enough for any build. I know it isn't a formula but it's a very simple way of knowing you are covered.
okay... lets consider this: I have 8 mil combined att/def and 1 mil combined spy (8mil x 5500) (plus sign here) (1mil x 6500) = 50.5 bil Yet, I hit max plunder around.... oh.... 15-20 bil. I haven't been stripped clean for awhile.... but it isn't over 20 bil. So, those calculations are all wrong. Another thing to consider is the TYPE of buildings that you have. Each building has a different ally plunder cap. Defense and spy defense buildings don't need allies. So, really--- the best way to check is to hit a target, note ally bonus, buy an ally (it doesn't have to be a big one), hit the same target again (you don't have to wait for regen, ally bonus stays the same)--- if your ally bonus is the same both times, then you are at max plunder