Discussion in 'Wars' started by Majin_Vegeta, Oct 20, 2012.

  1. Many players lately have been very frustrated at changes the developers of this once WAR game are making and unfortunately no matter how much they say they are pushing to improve and make updates to bring back WAR it is painfully obvious that this is not the case.... Each update has unfortunately been another push towards mindless non strategic EPIC BATTLES

    Below is a simple copy and paste of an email response from a particular developer after I pointed out the flaws in their upcoming new WAR CHANGES

    "Please post these opinions on the war thread in forums. These are great opinions and we all want to hear them, the devs in charge of changing the war system will be looking at all valid comments on that thread for ideas to make wars better. If you wish these ideas to be heard, my best advice is, put them there"

    Sounds pretty good right? Well just to show you what that response was to... I will also paste a copy of what my opinions on the war changes were below so you can yourself see and comment on how you feel about the war changes.

    "I understand your views on helping everyone may they be big or small & the fact every update you make is to benefit KaW as a whole... Yet I'd like to point out a few things from your war ideas that will go into affect in probably the next update or so...

    1. Removal of self pin: Ideally this means more back and forth hits in war between opponents ehich is in fact a good idea.... BUT.... Once a player has been pinned (0 troops and 0 spies) by the opposing side, they can not do anything since they have to 'recover' to 25%.... Quests are disabled, hitting own clan members are removed... So basically that DTW player will regen till out of 'recovery mode' by which time the other side will just re-pin them... No actual tactics needed just a wait till the DTW player is out of pin and pound them to pin again..... Sounds like a good idea right? :lol:

    2. 1 Crystal limit: Basically with your new war changes in mind, the clan to use up their 1 crystal 1st is more or less going to be fighting a losing battle... So why the limit on crystals? At current seems you can use more crystals during an EPIC BATTLE which in fact doesn't even FIGHT BACK

    Your big spending players who can't really be hit and damaged will basically be unstoppable and will be able to hit everyone else and pin people easily, big advantage to them don't you think? I'm sure they're happy with this war change !

    3. Estocs Edge: An increase in plunder and drops in EPIC BATTLES... Good idea for the smaller players and clans of Kaw... But not really an actual REWARD for warring unfortunately. Just another push towards mindless button pushing on ebs again... Wasn't this WAR CHANGE suppose to focus on PvP? Doesn't look like it to me :roll:

    4. Summer wars: actually a good idea... As a participant who made it the semi finals only to war for nothing in a waste of peoples times, 3rd place playoff... NOT good on your part... But theses one off tournaments seem like something to look forward to unless you happen to mess it all up like the whole ASW2012 :lol:

    5. Strategy: Pinning leaks in your own clan has always been a tactic which your now removing so effectively these new war changes go back to plunder wars.... Or more correctly, double plunder wars

    In conclusion... Many of your ideas seem to have some form of potential if they were actually thought through properly.

    BRONZE BARS: Now that seems like a good incentive to war if its decided that will be given for warring rather than the useless amount of mithril currently given.

    TURTLE WARS; could have easily been removed by reducing the self pin to only 1 regen from 0 troops and spies... Locking quests, ok thats fair enough but... Not being able to pin own clan members during war??? Hmmmm you do realize this is a worldwide game and your choices of war times have been atrocious as of late, people do sleep you know lol

    FINALLY just a piece of advice... MAYBE... Try a little harder to show 'LESS' favoritism towards certain players on KaW... As of late... Its blatantly obvious you don't keep yourselves separate and the game is in favor towards certain people chosen by yourselves lol"

    The Above was my email to the devs... To all the Kaw community looking for war please feel free to add your opinions and anything I have missed as it seems from the email response that the DEVS will be looking into this as they want everyone's opinions...

    Unfortunately... my opinions on the NEW pots devs threw out into the market... or the MANY NEW EPIC BATTLE ITEM DROPS are the same.... ANOTHER PUSH ON PvE AND NOT PvP !!!
  2. Reserved to comment mater
  3. you took more time on that than i have taken on anything in kaw, ever. props for that.

    keep pushing for pvp!
  4. It would appear things are progressively being geared towards PvE..

    Perhaps we just have to be patient a bit longer. I think maybe there's a big picture that obviously none of us players know about. Hopefully to get to the end result they have to do things in this order.

  5. The devs did promise us better wars..
    who knows whether these are just little steps towards the big deal?
  6. Estocs edge makes sense to me. Clans will want to take time away from their ebs to war for a bonus to their ebs. This adds war back to the game, be it how minimal it is.
  7. I agree with your concern's. I've mentioned on the dev's thread from about 24hours ago, that it seems the dev's are pushing more towards ebs once again.
  8. @iamaprofessional... As I said, good idea for smaller players and clans as it will be helping them get items. However, players who have all items already wouldn't waste time warring when the actual war gives no reward, wastes pots, hours of multiple wars just to get a decent percentage increase in ebs... There should be a reward for wars not war and go do ebs for more plunder and drops
  9. agreed 100%. it seems the PvE is just getting bigger and bigger while PvP is getting smaller. hopefully new war system will help to change that and look forward to seeing it happen. great email to devs!
  10. I agree with you on most of these OP. And congrats on getting a real response from the devs and not a copy/paste. I would like to see Estoc's edge taken away completely and replaced with better equip than the PvE equip. Otherwise, I like these tweaks.
  11. @chief... Took a while to get a proper response from all their copy/paste responses lol
  12. Now that sounds more like their style. Last time I emailed I got a response saying "sorry, we will look into this problem" when my email was a suggestion for a new feature :roll:
  13. Well said op. 10/10
  14. @Tenor thanks 
  15. I agree with almost all of it
  16. Bump... Somehow I figure there are more players that can add to this thread for devs to review :)
  17. I'm afraid that many players will end up quiting KaW
  18. Just be patient. Things will work out after all the new updates.