Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *MissBrooke1410 (01), Nov 15, 2011.

  1. Ok so my clan has 59 members an I am member number 50. How do I get better and closer to 1!!?? PLZ HELP!!!

     MissBrooke
  2. Well first you marry me. Then you'll get better.
  3. Hm. Do some eb's, get some money, upgrade. At your size it shouldnt be hard to upgrade.
  4. Well two things.
    1. I already have 4 level three forges
    2. How do u upgrade??
  5. And WHY DO U KEEP ASKING THT?!?!?!?!
  6. By buying more buildings and upgrading those too.
  7. Because I love you... 
  8. Ya but I don't have enough money!!!I feel like a poor hobo
  9. You barely know me!
  10. If you marry me you would have enough money to finish your low lands.
  11. You'll marry me?!?!?!?!? YAY!!!
  12. Anything else that could help me? And could anyone hire me plz;;;(((((
  13. Get stables, not forges
  14. Ask for hires in wc lol jk
  15. @OP, ignore these troll-ish posts. To receive higher in your clan rank, you need to get higher stats and ally stats. All these factors add together to consider your clan rank.
  16. Bro, missbrooke is a man

    Good luck with that though...
  17. I don't actually know if that's true.

    It's what I heard.