Penalized For Being Efficent: FFing and Mith Payout

Discussion in 'Wars' started by cheezeplz, Feb 24, 2013.

  1. I believe forfeiting should be in EE wars as it does have a purpose: To let a unorganized/Inactive/smaller clan give up when there is no possible way to come back. However the problem with forfeiting is that it gives winners less mith. A fight that lasts longer enables one to earn more but a fight that is cut short limits max mith. As a result a clan that might have worked extremely hard to pinned and track another clan is penalized for doing so. To earn max mith a clan should let the war drag on and give the enemy "free hits". I find this kind of stupid and wasteful. Winners shouldnt be penalized for defeating an enemy through ff, I mean if anything they should be rewarded for doing it before time provided. So i have a proposed solution, minor mith compensation. A winning between hours 2-2:30 get 75% more mith 2:30-3 get 50% more mith and 3-3:30 get 25% more mith (last 30 mins is too little to comp). Don't get this wrong it is still doesnt fully compensate in relation to trends as the hypothetical second half could go different (ei someone might not get as much kos) However based on trends they get rough 75% of what they would be predicted to get. What do you all think? Is this really a problem? Is this the wrong solution? I'd like to see people's thoughts as I am a firm believer in "Work smart not Hard" oh and to haters with comments such as "if you dont like it then just dont play it" I do like EE wars I would just like to see it improve is all (I'm playing regardless)

    UPDATE: Solution2
  2. I hate forfeits. Clans do it when they realize they're losing, and rather not waste potions, as well as go back to EB'ing.
  3. Wait… I wasn't supposed to post that, was I? Oh… finger slipped over post.
  4. LOL @ Breakdown :lol:
  5. SUPPORT! But really, this would be great, in today's war I spent 14 mith and was only rewarded a measly 16 mith because of a nearly 2 hour surrender.
  6. Support because us people over at
    GHC Syndicate have 2 wins by FF, and we probably be racking up many more. :roll:
  7. Breakdown, if I'm in a clan that I visit often, or where a friend is a member, I will farm whoever clicks the ff button, and I make aware of it before the war even starts.
  8. No

    Have you ever heard of fighting with honor or fighting though adversity???? Suck it up and fight through it
  9. Support
  10. GHC Syndicate FTW. 3-0 all hansels 
  11. @MerlinsBeard the people who ff have no honour. They know that them ff'ing takes away our mith, but they still do it.

    This idea would be good.
  12. I'm with Cor, FF's will be all the time over here, so I believe we should get more mith payed for a short finished war
  13. I notice that the 75,50,25% comp is not set in stone. These percentages should be debated as these were merelt quick solutions. If there is another solution to this I would like to hear
  14. You could have some sort of multiplier that ticks down with the time, and ends at x1 if the war goes the full length. For example, a half way surrender is x2 and a 3 hour surrender is x1.5.
  15. I was actually trying to calculate a formula for comp but gave up after a few minutes...too much math 
  16. No. They should get rid of the button.

    Fight with honor or don't fight at all.
  17. Ff time (mins) / 60 = the multiplier for how much mith a player in a ff receives.

    Example: forfeit at half (120 mins)
    120 / 60 = 2, so mith is multiplied by 2, because they had half of the war time taken away.
  18. Support