Though PC has a better foruming experience, you have more freedom on PC for stuff but very little. (How many Days exactly it was free you got a badge, wall posts, etc.)
PC except the fact that devices are so much easier to access. Laptops take forever to turn on. Can multitask on Idevice. Also my laptop and KaW do not get a long...
The bigger question is why dont all 3 forms of gameplay boast the same features? iDevice is easiest to copy things like ads etc from different parts of the app. Droid you can see others Kingdoms as you would see your own when u scout someone, and PC... Well PC is simply more efficient cuz of the screen size and enables you to basically see everything you need on one screen. Ultimately PC is the best if you want to be fast and make money.
That is not always the case it depends on how comfortable you are with your device and playtime to see how much money you make. :ugeek:
Well if you play a Haunt on a Fast PC with a good internet connection. I guarantee you can get more items than if you were on any device, wifi, 4G etc.
The Android version is better for searching and just plain looks better, but suffers from marketplace lag quite a bit.