PC Speakers 2

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Gacboyc, Oct 10, 2013.

  1. Gac is Bac with a new idea

    *Note* This thread has been developed with the help of other players. The original post is mine but not all content has been suggested by me. Thank you for those who helped me create this from the original post. Shout out to you people.

    Ive seen lots of posts recently, complaining about how PC users don’t get speakers. I agree that this is unfair and provides and small but annoying disadvantage. I also agree that I don’t want world chat to be filled with spammers.

    Small players should at least be able to ask for a volley. PC players should still be able to support their clan with advertisements now and then and participate in world chat discussions and conversations. Not everyone can afford an iDevice/Tablet/Android.

    The idea is for new players to start out with 2 speakers. Enough to ask for a volley and a second to ask again if they are missed. It’s simple. The idea develops further… Speakers based on the loyalty achievement. As I said before, PC players, like device players, should have the perks of being able to support their clans and participate in world chat. With speakers per day based on the loyalty achievement, all players can receive daily speakers. 1 speaker for level 1 loyalty, 2 speakers for level 2, and so on up level 5 loyalty for 5 speakers per day. Another possibility is PC players are limited to a max of 10 speakers. This is a maybe. But it could be apart of it.

    If Devs are still worried about spam, after all of the above, they can take it one step further in one of 2 directions... 1) Rather than speakers per day, speakers per week. Even 5 speakers per day at loyalty 5 can be abused due to making an account and coming back months later. 2) Making the loyalty achievement more. So loyalty 5 might be 6 months or a year, and loyalty one is a week. No we cannot do it based on stats because there are guild hansels.

    All players should have the same perks, regardless of economic situation. Give these PC players speakers, let them chat! Allow them to grow and chat like Device players!

    Thank you for reading – Gac

    *Note* Thanks again to those who helped to develop this idea last month.
  2. Good idea. Won't promote spam among players looking for free speakers, and it helps pc players start off strong. I know from experience that being a PC player can be tough at the start
  3. PC Account Speaker System

    This is a new idea regarding the way that speakers are given out. You know how computer/pc accounts are not given any speakers per day- there could be a system that basically has the pc account user log on and lets say press a button, just once a day. The button will be an added part in the profile section on the screen. Each time they press the button, they get a speaker, and after the pc account user has pressed the button 7 times, after the 7 days of the week they get an additional 5 speakers. So, pc accounts will have the ability of getting 12 speakers a week.
    Note: the pc account can qualify for the speaker a day system only if it is NOT linked up to an iDevice/android.
    Lets pc users ask for a volley, so they don't get bored of doing quests and quitting KaW
    Restrains any trolls on statless alts from spamming world chat

    A little bit more world chat traffic that the mods have to monitor

    Feel free to give any feedback and suggestions to help this idea...

    The button that they press could be like a thermometer, but sideways and the barrel is divided into 7 sections and the round end could be filled 1/7 for the button being pressed Sunday, 2/7 for the button being pressed Sunday and Monday, and so on.
  4. I slightly disagree with the original post. Instead of starting with two speakers, how about one. But, when you first start off, players would get a notification to welcome the new player to KaW and volley him/bring him to your clan. As an incentive, the people that participate in the volley would get a potion(s), depending on contribution. This might help those PC accounts that don't know where to go.
  5. To many ways to be abused. Looks like a lot of work on the devs end with very little benefit.