Payout changes

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by III___Knight_of_the_King___IlI, May 31, 2012.

  1. Ok with KAW running an eb payout tweak last night has anyone noticed a
    Significant difference in gold given out .. Higher ... Lower... The same ... Also they said they did this for wars as well maybe they made it pay well enough to want to war again. Let me know any details
  2. *Ou know after a few ebs
  3. There's a thread for questions but anyways *lurks*
  4. I was relly active and got barley any
  5. I noticed I still made 2b an hour without hitting any item stages so with it I'll prob get 3b an hour and around 4.5-5b an hour using the anti-pin method. If you don't know what that is and want to know how to do it wall me.
  6. Please name eBs and if you saw an increase or decrease ... Listing amounts gained is hard to judge due to the variability of builds and size
  7. It decreased a ton in battle royal reck
    ambush and origins
  8. Ok thanks for the info keep it coming
    ... I want to say fod increased cause we earned 25% more than usual but we had 5 treasures so that could effect it
  9. Well FI just completed FoD and we gained 3 treasures and 3 sword drops BEST EVER so I think they bumped it up
  10. I don't think the changed drop rates of items more about gold, but I'm interested if they did ..