Pay For Merc

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *NUGGA (03), Oct 14, 2012.

  1. I Was Thinking Merc Should Have 1Bil Ally & When You Need Them,, Tell Them Clan Name & Buy 1Bil Ally As Payment,, Just A Thought For Merc
  2. wow original... never been done before at all
  3. really and this is a new idea? very interesting that you have came to this concept.
  4. it works ,,someone just hired my ally just to farm u with my alts :lol:
  5. I don't know if y'all being serious or smart asses -___- ,,
  6. I really didn't understand the concept.
  7. Like say you need a merc,, instead of being free the merc should have a bunch of 1bil allies in order for him to merc for you,, you would have to hire 1 of his 1bil allies
  8. OP for mod!!!
  9. ok op this is obviously a very old idea and people use this method alot i would assume. they even have entire clans that work off this very principle,figured i would be nice ;)
  10. Even then, you'd only make like a 17 mil profit...

    Not really worth it.
  11. Id do at least 10b
  12. Troll or just stupid?
  13. Me? If so just stupid sorry...