Discussion in 'Wars' started by M-U-S-A-S-H-I-R-I-S-E-S, Jul 29, 2013.

  1. This will clear a few things up.
    #1 There is no war! The occasional xtalling you
    do to escape pin, and hit weaker clannies is not
    #2 You have not made any plunder, I have
    made several billion off you in steals. Thats true
    #3 All you whine about is SS yet you dont post
    a thing.
    #4 You havent accomplished a thing. No strips
    major attacks or steals
    #5 Every Clan you join, doesnt have your
    support, when I joined The Strippers club, for
    osw, YOU kicked me. You took no part in the fun
    #6 16 months, 5 years, whatever... You still
    havent done anything. You are now using pots
    to hit me, the math doesnt lie.
    #7 Quit while you are ahead! Peeps will forget how pathetic
    you are
  2. Well this doesnt seem pointless/ butthurt at all...
  3. Lolwut

    Is Pers spanking another one?
  4. I think he is cynder lol
  5. GO PERSE perse you my bro

  6. No he isnt doing a thing. A jackal like him doesnt
    do a thing. I've posted this thread to clear up lies
    and the whining this coward does. He cant even 1v1, has to hit me with 3 accounts. Wow thats so brave.
  7. just to point out, i do not recall perse asking you for a 1v1 (might be wrong) and if he didnt, its fair game. Potburning isnt nothing, and if you know he is using pots, he must get through, so he has made something off of you.
  8. Lmfao funny thing is OP actually tells the truth..

    Shadowbeas11 is just a complete fail
  9. Ok super off topic but I'm drunk and don't care

    I just saw this ridiculous commercial about 'Thumb Socks'

    Little socks you out on your thumbs to prevent you from being distracted by texting while driving. This ***** looked all crazy happy as she thrust her phone into the back seat realizing she couldn't text on body heat activated touch screens due to her revolutionary 'Thumb Socks'

    Ladies and Gentlemen...

    I don't know where I was going with this. But please join me in a drunken laugh for what mankind has become! (And the Oxygen network. No, I don't normally tune in but there was a House marathon earlier and my Netlix Smart TV went haywire and shut off and brought me to see this commercial. I call it divine providence. Or *ancient aliens guy* Aliens).

    Thank you for your time
  10. Lmao... Ancient alien thumb socks epic
  11. Op I think you should edit into all CAPS rage.. It seems more fitting