
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ZeII, Oct 28, 2015.

  1. When I was younger, I thought that the closer I held my face to a book I was reading, the more information I would absorb. Not much to learn from pictures of Winnie the Pooh, but I still thought it helped. The only thing that put an end to this up close and personal book reading happened on a night much like this one. It was incredibly boring. To solve this problem, I pulled one of the many picture books out of my void of a bookshelf, and got down to business. I don't know how it happened, but as I turned the first page, the rough paper grazed across my eye. Offended, I shoved the book away and went to go complain to my mom and show off my injury.

    (TLDR, little me was an idiot and I gave my eye a papercut from a book.)

    My brain is keeping me awake by reminding me of all the stupid things I did as a kid. I thought it would help to share one of the smaller stories.
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    So you gave your eye a papercut... Thats adorable.
  3. It takes a special kind of curiosity to do that.
  4. Hahahaha some guy did the same thing at my school but instead of a book he used a gun. Good times
  5. Rofl
  6. He gave himself a papercut with a gun? That must have been really hard to do. Impossible really..
  7. Paper cut to the eye with a gun? That does sound like good times, except for the guy who broke physics.
  8. Cardboard cuts are worse
  9. Knife cuts are even worse.
  10. Maybe the price tag was still on the gun.
  11. Was it an oragami gun. I hear that those are deadly

    Oh. And I am sitting here eating a white castle sausage egg and cheese breakfast sammich. Thanks WC for the all day breakfast. So worth it
  12. I have to agree w knive. I was opening a box w a box cutter (shocker ik) and i cut open the side of my finger. Very fine very deep. I just bandaged it but that bad boy burnt for weeks