When I was younger, I thought that the closer I held my face to a book I was reading, the more information I would absorb. Not much to learn from pictures of Winnie the Pooh, but I still thought it helped. The only thing that put an end to this up close and personal book reading happened on a night much like this one. It was incredibly boring. To solve this problem, I pulled one of the many picture books out of my void of a bookshelf, and got down to business. I don't know how it happened, but as I turned the first page, the rough paper grazed across my eye. Offended, I shoved the book away and went to go complain to my mom and show off my injury. (TLDR, little me was an idiot and I gave my eye a papercut from a book.) My brain is keeping me awake by reminding me of all the stupid things I did as a kid. I thought it would help to share one of the smaller stories.
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Paper cut to the eye with a gun? That does sound like good times, except for the guy who broke physics.
Was it an oragami gun. I hear that those are deadly Oh. And I am sitting here eating a white castle sausage egg and cheese breakfast sammich. Thanks WC for the all day breakfast. So worth it
I have to agree w knive. I was opening a box w a box cutter (shocker ik) and i cut open the side of my finger. Very fine very deep. I just bandaged it but that bad boy burnt for weeks