Pandemonium - Re-Opened

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by IlIlIl-SlyTheRaccoon-llIlIIl, Oct 13, 2013.

  1. P a n d e m o n i u m
    Once in your news, There is no coming out

    From war and pain, two friends came out of war to make a clan. They wanted it known for Chaos. They tried many times, and failed as much. The Founders of Pand have moved on. Avatar to suppert iG; Dag to Real Life. I, Sly, have decided to revive Pand for war and chaos. To terrorize, To cause Chaos. For We are Chaos.

    We will train those, who join our ranks, the way of KaW's OSW history.


    Clan Requirement
    • 1,000 of EACH pot
      Will to war
      Knowledge of builds
      Loyalty to clan

    Clan Leadership
    • Sly


    • Avatar

    If you join, join for the good times and the bad times! Loyalty is what makes a clan strong

    • Aces N Eights

    I apologize for any BB code errors. Wall me with any concerns and/or problems. Will update per request and change in alliance, council. :)
  2. Any reason why this is in the Strategy section...?
  3. I clicked strategy instead of Clan/alliances.. A mistake since I was in a hurry