overall plunder in EBs for the whole clan?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *peckinpah (01), Nov 9, 2011.

  1. why does the same EB for example give 90 bil and the next time 130 bil for the whole clan? any ideas?
  2. Rofl!

    Clan overall plunder is the same as a real war.
    Every players chips in with how ever much plunder they earned
  3. yes. but the hitpoints of one EB are always the same. (despite of the regenerating ones) so when a clan does 130 bil in haunting. what does that tell us about the clan? that they have better (money earning) builds than a clan, who gets 90 bil?
  4. It depends on the actions performed. If the haunting is completed predominantly by attacks, I believe that it yields more income than if each attacker also unloaded their spies.
  5. interesting. if that was true, than atk gives you better rewards than assasination. right? the more hansels in a clan the lower the overall reward?
  6. lol. I'm fuckin gay.
  7. Not sure if applies to hansels. They seem to earn well. But I believe it applies to attack builds.
  8. On haunting, if I attack I will do 130 damage (average) and each hit is worth around 48m. If I assassinate I will do around 120m damage but it is only worth 10m (ish).

    The more "attacks" that are used to clear the eb, the higher the plunder earned will be.
  9. Overall plunder =/= overall reward
  10. @obilerater. but why do people say, that hansels always earn sooo good in EBs. especialy close to hlbc, atk builds should earn much more money than hansels, if your theory is right. or am I wrong?
  11. No. If a hansel assassinated, the plunder would be higher still. Why? 'Cause they get more gold per assassination than attack builds. For a 1.8 mil hansel, you'd get 25 mil for the bonus per assassination.

    Attack builds tend to not have huge spy stats, so the plunder isn't as high if they all assassinate.
  12. 1.4 mil hansel* Got the numbers wrong.
  13. The amount earned also has to do with those hitting. If you have somebody doing 300 damage a hit and making 40 mil. It's going to earn less then 2 people who do 150 damage each and earn 40 mil per hit.
  14. A hansel will earn more on the assassinate stage. (as was stated above) and will have a large amount paid in ally bonus for attacks.


    Compared with someone who is pure Titan the earnings on an eb don't compare. 49 titans is the best plunder available.
  15. I'll keep it simple for all the noobs...look me up, then look at clan history. I've spent time at dueces doing haunting in 1.5 hrs n avg 2 everytime in plunder. B4 u start a thread know ur factshave a nice day
  16. How is that at all related?