is there a thread that explains how the overall LB os calculated? I've heard it's never been fully disclosed, but is it discussed anywhere with most recent adjustments? I believe pots and value do not contribute to overall rating... Correct? I thought the two highest contributing factors are ally strength and battles/successful spy actions... Is that right? How can someone be on the overall LB but not be on any other LB? If a previous thread answers this, can u please bump it? Just curious. Thanks.
First it's your build. You will jump more spots changing your build then any other way. Second it's wins. Third it's spy wins. (not shown) - personally when they added spy wins I jumped about 100 spots, others went higher. Third it's allie strength. Despite popular belief buying ones way onto the overall leaderboard is not that simple. If it was the overall lb would match the allie lb more closely. Glad I could help you with game mechanics sumsette....
To answer your questions Yes Yes Wrong Wrong Spy wins are an unknown factor. I was on overall lb without being close to other lb. I've got medium wins, I had medium allies until I dropped them all and medium value. My time spent as an osf and spy stripping adds an unknown value to my overall score.
Well i can also add potions and value do not have anything to do with overall lb. I thought the order for importance was build>allies>wins>spy wins but who am I to doubt fghhgg lol
I think that it is not that hard to be on overall LB without being on any of the other ones. You just need a very strong build and you need to be in good shape in all other areas (wins/steals/ally strength), without necessarily be in the Top 50 in those areas. So, a person with a very strong build (Laoda has the strongest possible build in KaW right now, if you want to take a look), a decent number of wins (top 100 in wins, but not necessarily top 50), a decent number of steals (the more the better), and decent ally strength (top 200 in ally strength, but not necessarily top 50) could be in the Top 50 overall.
Cowlegend you are correct not to doubt me. When rhuy was stripped. He dropped on the leaderboard down to about 48. He has since been pushed off. But he was on lb with no allies but quite a few wins.
I still havnt figured out if value effects overall at all? Ig perhaps you could use your new found wealth to volley drop me down to one bill or something, I will report any changes in position.
Hire price has no effect on overall lb. I am certain, based on my own observations. Building power and ally power MAY be factored as one thing (total power) or they may be counted separately. There's a huge difference between them. You can get your build to be the highest power possible for what, $40b? To get that same amount of power from allies would cost much much more. BUT, there's no obvious limit to how much total power you can have from allies. With buildings, it's a brick wall. Wins are important, for sure, but not as much as total power. For a nice illustration of that, look at zmn #6 battles #50 overall or DM #4 battles #26 overall. Both of these guys have good ally strength though niether is on lb, both have strong builds, and even being so high on battles lb are not in the top half of the overall lb. So wins are clearly not the dominant factor. Here's something I observed. My hypothesis as to how overall lb is calculated... 1am Eastern US time they take a snapshot of the server. Ally strength is calculated and ranked for each player, this lb always updates first, used to be around 1:15 but now is closer to 1:30-1:45. Next up is battles. Then comes overall, which clearly depends on ally strength and battle victories in it's ranking. AFTER THE OVERALL LB, the value lb is calculated. It's far and away the most pointless of lb's. There are at least 50 people, I would guess, myself included, who could drop all our allies and volley any player in the game to the #1 spot (with a partner of course). But we don't because powerful allies count for more, in actual gameplay, than super-inflated allies. So for one more comparison... As of last night's update, here are where Eye and DM both fall on the relevant lb's... Eye #7 overall #3 wins #32 allies Total power of buildings : 745k DM #26 overall #4 wins n/a allies lb total building stats : 787k Building power very close, wins very close, alliance strength not very close, so think about what that suggests. I'm usually right around the middle of ally lb, right around #50 on overall lb, and nowhere close to battles. And my build is not particularly strong, stats wise. The implication here is that total power (buildings plus allies) is the dominant factor, and battles is secondary, and other stuff like spy activities probably has a minor impact, since you don't see pure spies on overall lb generally. This is all conjecture. But I'm fairly confident if it's not correct, it's pretty close to correct.
@ Tmh I think spy activity count more than you believe. Look at shadowprincess and I. Shadow is ranked 22 overall and is not in any other lb. I'm ranked at 33 overall, 31 in allies w/ more wins yet she still out ranks me
Lerikk that's interesting to see. What is it about spy activity that separates you two and would put her higher? Are you confident she's got more spy victories, steals or assassinations? Thanks for the data. Your case is very illustrative of the importance of spy activity, if that is indeed what causes her to outrank you on lb. I also wonder about completions, if that's factored into overall. Has anybody ever watched on a PC to see if completions lb updates before or after overall does?
Hmm that be interesting but I doubt completion would add to strength. And yea I wanted to mention shadow_princess too. I believe she has a good amount of spy activity. I also noted after Orcster left, he was 48th on overall Lb with 0 allies. might help. Also, permanent items may play a part in overall strength.
Great point. Perm item bonuses only apply to building strength, not allies or pots or anything, but if you've got the perm item bonuses that can seriously boost your building power, 33% max boost to your total power. Now you've got me wondering if they apply.
Hmm I'm buying a chaos pack on an alt soon, I'll let you know if it makes any difference at all. Though I have a strong feeling that it should affect it. Since it is "Overall Strength", I believe base stats + items + allies should be the main...err...thing lol.
May favorite topic. I think I did like 100 of these. Too bad devs can't get it right. Strange way of thinking then 2. What ever there calculations everyones told me leaderboard is messed up. And it shows
Like back with TP was still on lb. He was 2nd place with 3k wins and had no spy offense. His hire was only like 90+ billion. Tell me that not screwed up?
Tmh, I just conferred with ShadowPrincess and it looks like she spy dumps on a regular basis. Furthermore, she has not reset so I do believe thats the only difference between us. @ DM, I believe TP was ranked #2 bc of his ridiculously high ally strength. Which coincides with Tmh belief that build strength and ally strength makes the bulk of overall LB. I do think battles/spy activities lend a fairly strong hand at overall LB as well but still falls short of build/allies strength
Side note, has anyone confirm or have any reason to believe that your hire price effect the overall LB? Just wondering since SP and I are dirt cheap and still on the board. Cheers